Focus mode

Focus mode allows users to focus on a specific area of the layout while teaching robots, creating layouts, modelling components or running simulations. It prevents accidental changes and interactions with other components, since objects outside of focus mode are transparent and are not selectable.  

When saving a layout, any use of focus mode in that layout will not be included. 

Focus mode user interface

The focus mode controls are available at the base of the 3D world toolbar.

  1. Focus mode disabled as no valid object is selected.
  2. Focus mode enabled, turned off.
  3. Focus mode enabled, turned on.
  4. Unfocused opacity slider
  5. Dynamic component options selector.

Getting started with focus mode

  1. To turn on focus mode, first select an object in the 3D world.

  2. To select objects in the 3D world, using for example the Select command, click and drag to select components. Or holding the CTRL key click to select multiple components

    Note: Selecting objects using for example the Move, PnP and Jog tools is also supported.

  3. Then click to turn on focus mode or use the keyboard shortcut ALT+Q.

Focus mode features

  1. When focus mode is turned on, the selection or snapping of unfocused transparent objects is not possible. So to modify the focus mode selection, we must first turn off focus mode, then modify our object selection and turn focus mode on again.

    Unfocused objects can still be selected for example from the Cell Graph, but will remain unfocused.

  2. When focus mode is turned on and focused components are copied, or a component is added from the eCatalog, they will also be in focus.

  3. When focus mode is turned on and focused components are added to a sub-layout, they will remain in focus.

    When selecting a sub-layout and turning on focus mode, only the selected sub-layout will be in focus. Any child sub-layouts will not be placed in focus mode.

  4. In the MODELING tab, selecting a Node and enabling focus mode, will place that Node in focus.

     Focus mode is available only for Nodes in the MODELING tab.

Focus mode for parent-child hierarchy

Holding the SHIFT key while turning on focus mode (or use the keyboard shortcut SHIFT+ALT+Q) will add any child components in the parent-child hierarchy.

  1. Selecting for example a robot and holding SHIFT while turning on focus mode, will add any attached tools to the selection .

  2. In the MODELING tab, selecting a Node and holding SHIFT while turning on focus mode will also place any child Nodes in focus.

  3. Selecting a sub-layout and holding SHIFT while turning on focus mode, the selected sub-layout and any of its child sub-layouts will also be in focus.

Unfocused opacity

When focus mode is turned on, it's possible to adjust the opacity of objects that are not in focus.

Begin by selecting your components and turning on focus mode. Then click to expand the focus mode controls, which include an Unfocused opacity slider to adjust the opacity of unfocused objects. The slider values range from 0, where unfocused objects are invisible up to a maximum value of 1, where unfocused objects are fully opaque and are no longer transparent.

Dynamic component options

When focus mode is turned on, it's possible to adjust the behaviour of dynamic components created while a simulation is running in the software. To turn on focus mode, first select your components. Then click to expand the focus mode controls which include a Dynamic component options selector with three options.

  • Same as parent
    The focus of a dynamic component is the same as its parent component.

    In this first example, we have selected a robot and turned on focus mode. And while the simulation is running as a parent when the robot grasps a dynamic component, in this example a car tyre, it will also be in focus. While all other dynamic components, like their parents, are unfocused.

    In this second example, we have selected both a robot and conveyors and turned on focus mode. And while the simulation is running, when the robot grasps a dynamic component it will be in focus. And when dynamic components like the pallets and car tyres are placed on the conveyors, they will also be in focus.

  • Always focused
    Dynamic components always be in focus.

    In this example, we have selected only a robot and turned on focus mode. And while the simulation is running all dynamic components are in focus.
  • Always unfocused
    The opposite of Always focused, where dynamic components will never be in focus. And we can use the Unfocused opacity slider to adjust the opacity of the unfocused objects.