
vcBitmap represents an image file used in the application, for example as material textures.


Name Type Access Description
Format Enumeration R Gets the format of bitmap. See Bitmap Constants for more information.
Height Integer R Gets the height (in pixels) of bitmap.
Name String RW Defines the name of bitmap.
URI String R Gets the filename of source file.
Width Integer R Gets the width (in pixels) of bitmap.


Example. Create and edit bitmap property

from vcScript import *

app = getApplication()

comp = getComponent()

prop = comp.getProperty("BmpProp")

if not prop:

  prop = comp.createProperty(VC_BITMAP_PROPERTY, "BmpProp")

bmPath = ""

def OnReset():


def OnRun():

  global prop, bmPath

  if bmPath != r"C:\Temp\picture1.jpg":

    bmPath = r"C:\Temp\picture1.jpg"


    bmPath = r"C:\Temp\picture2.jpg"

  print "path:", bmPath

  prop.Value = app.loadBitmap(bmPath);

Example. Load and save bitmap to different image types

from vcScript import *

#options for using vcApplication.saveBitmap()

app = getApplication()

uri = "file:///C:\\temp\\"

bmp = app.loadBitmap(uri+"test.png")

app.saveBitmap(bmp, uri + "test1.bmp")

app.saveBitmap(bmp, uri + "test2.png", "rpng")

app.saveBitmap(bmp, uri + "test3.bmp", "rbmp")

app.saveBitmap(bmp, uri + "test4.jpeg", "rjpegstd")

app.saveBitmap(bmp, uri + "test5.jpeg", "rjpegnstd")

app.saveBitmap(bmp, uri + "test6.tga", "rtargareader")

Example. Save view of 3D world to different image types

from vcScript import *

#options for using saveBitmap command

_app = getApplication()

width = 500

cmd = _app.findCommand("saveBitmap")

cmd.execute("file:///C:\\temp\\test1.png", "png",width, width)

cmd.execute("file:///C:\\temp\\test2.bmp", "bmp",width, width)

cmd.execute("file:///C:\\temp\\test3.png", "rpng",width, width)

cmd.execute("file:///C:\\temp\\test4.bmp", "rbmp",width, width)

cmd.execute("file:///C:\\temp\\test5.tga", "tga",width, width)

cmd.execute("file:///C:\\temp\\test6.tga", "rtargareader",width, width)

cmd.execute("file:///C:\\temp\\test7.jpeg", "jpeg",width, width)

cmd.execute("file:///C:\\temp\\test8.jpeg", "rjpegstd",width, width)

cmd.execute("file:///C:\\temp\\test9.jpeg", "rjpegnstd",width, width)