vcCurveData provides access to mathematical information used for rendering curves and curved surfaces in components.
Curve Types
The types of curves supported in the 3D world are:
- Spline
- Polyline
- Non-uniform rational basis spline (NURBS)
You can use the CurveData property of a vcCompactLineSet object to get a handle for a vcCurveData object.
Name | Return Type | Parameters | Description |
clearCurves | None | None | Removes all curves from set. |
createCurveNurbs | Integer | Integer degree, List of vcVector pts | Adds a new NURBS to set, and then returns the index of curve in set. |
createCurvePolyLine | Integer | List of vcVector pts | Adds a new polyline to set, and then returns the index of curve in set. |
createCurveSpline | Integer | Integer degree, List of vcVector pts, List of Integer multiplicities, List of Real knots, List of Real weights | Adds a new spline to set, and then returns the index of curve in set. |
deleteCurve | None | Integer curve | Deletes a curve at a given index in set.
Note: Update the scene in order to show visualization changes in the 3D world. |
getCurveEnds | 4-tuple (vcVector pt1, vcVector pt2, Real w1, Real w2) | Integer curve | Returns curve end point information for a curve at a given index in set.
The information defines both curve endpoint vectors and their weight values, for example if a NURBS curve is selected. |
getCurveLength | Real | Integer curve | Returns the length of a curve at a given index in set. |
getCurveMinCurveDistance | 3-tuple (Real min_dist, Real curve_dist, Real othercurve_dist) | Integer curve, Integer othercurve | Returns the minimum distance between two curves at given indices in set.
The returned value describes the minimum distance between curves and minimum distance between either end points of curves. ![]() |
getCurveMinDistance | 2-tuple (Real min_dist_to_point, Real curve_dist) | Integer curve, vcVector point | Returns the minimum distance of a curve at a given index in set to a given point as well as the length of curve. |
getCurvePoint | vcVector | Integer curve, Real distance | Returns a point on a curve at a given index in set and distance from beginning of curve. |
getCurvePointAndDerivate | 2-tuple(vcVector point, vcVector derivate) | Integer curve, Real distance | Returns a point and first derivate vector of a curve at a given index in set and distance from beginning of curve. |
getCurvePointCount | Integer | Integer curve | Returns the total number of points for a curve at a given index in set. |
getCurvePositions | List of vcMatrix | Integer curve | Returns a list of position matrices for each point on a curve at a given index in set.
getCurveType | Enumeration | Integer curve | Returns the type of curve at a given index in set.
See Topology Constants for more information. |
getPolyLineCurvePoints | List of vcVector | Integer curve | Returns a list of points for a polyline at a given index in set; otherwise returns an empty list. |
getSplineCurveControlPoint | List of vcVector | Integer curve | Returns a list of control points for a spline at a given index in set; otherwise returns an empty list. |
getSplineCurveControlWeights | List of Real | Integer curve | Returns a list of control weight values for a spline at a given index in set; otherwise returns an empty list. |
getSplineCurveDegree | Integer | Integer curve | Returns the degree of a spline at a given index in set. |
getSplineCurveKnots | 2-tuple (List of Integer multiplicities, List of real knots) | Integer curve | Returns spline knot multiplicities (knot recurrence) and knot values for a curve at a given index in set. |
Example. Create and access curve data
#Create a Geometry feature then a Python script behavior #Copy the following script in the Python script from vcScript import * import vcVector comp = getComponent() geof = comp.getFeature("Geometry") tset = None if geof.Geometry.GeometrySetCount == 0: cset = geof.Geometry.createGeometrySet(VC_COMPACTLINESET) else: cset = geof.Geometry.GeometrySets[0] # Get Curve interface curves = cset.CurveData print "0. Curve count" print "CurveCount = ", curves.CurveCount print "1. Clear curves" curves.clearCurves() print "CurveCount = ", curves.CurveCount print "2. Create Curve" # Define curve degree Degree = 3 # Add knot values and multipliers Knots = [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21] KnotMultiplicities = [4,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,4] # Add control points pts = [] pts.append(, 0, 4622.7)) pts.append(, 0, 4519.525)) pts.append(, 0, 3660)) pts.append(, 0, 2970)) pts.append(, 0, 1880)) pts.append(, 0, 518)) pts.append(, 0, 0)) pts.append(, 0, 0)) pts.append(, 0, 0)) pts.append(, 0, 0)) pts.append(, 0, 0)) pts.append(, 0, 0)) pts.append(, 0, 0)) pts.append(, 0, 0)) pts.append(, 0, 0)) pts.append(, 0, 0)) pts.append(, 0, 0)) pts.append(, 0, 0)) pts.append(, 0, 0)) pts.append(, 0, 0)) pts.append(, 0, 0)) pts.append(, 0, 1000)) pts.append(, 0, 1550)) pts.append(, 0, 1780)) weigths = [] curve = curves.createCurveSpline(Degree, pts, KnotMultiplicities, Knots, weigths) print "Curve created ",curve pts = [] pts.append(, 100, 100)) pts.append(, 50, 200)) pts.append(, 0, 400)) pts.append(, -20, 900)) curve2 = curves.createCurveNurbs(Degree, pts) print "Curve2 created ",curve2 print "3. Get curve length" length = curves.getCurveLength(curve) print "Curve length = ",length print "4. Get curve ends" sp, ep, sw, ew = curves.getCurveEnds(curve) print "Curve start point(",sp.X,",",sp.Y,",",sp.Z,") weight = ",sw print "Curve end point(",ep.X,",",ep.Y,",",ep.Z,") weight = ",ew print "5. Get point at curve using distance" p = curves.getCurvePoint(curve, length*0.5) print "Curve point(",p.X,",",p.Y,",",p.Z,")" print "6. Get point minimum projected distance to curve" point =,0,500) min_dist, dist = curves.getCurveMinDistance(curve, point) print "Curve Min distance ",min_dist," at curve distance ",dist p = curves.getCurvePoint(curve, dist) print "Curve projected point(",p.X,",",p.Y,",",p.Z,")" print "7. Get curve point and derivate" p, d = curves.getCurvePointAndDerivate(curve, 15000) print "Curve point(",p.X,",",p.Y,",",p.Z,")" print "Curve normalized derivate(",d.X,",",d.Y,",",d.Z,")" print "8. Get two curves minimum distance" min_dist, dist1, dist2 = curves.getCurveMinCurveDistance(curve, curve2) print "Curve & curve2 Min distance ",min_dist," at curve dist1 ",dist1, " dist2 ",dist2 p1 = curves.getCurvePoint(curve, dist1) print "Curve projected point(",p1.X,",",p1.Y,",",p1.Z,")" p2 = curves.getCurvePoint(curve2, dist2) print "Curve2 projected point(",p2.X,",",p2.Y,",",p2.Z,")" pts = [] pts.append(p1) pts.append(p2) curve3 = curves.createCurveNurbs(1, pts) print "Curve3 created ",curve3 cset.update() comp.rebuild() # Inquiry curve information print "CurveCount=",curves.CurveCount for c in range(0,curves.CurveCount): print "Curve[",c,"]" type = curves.getCurveType(c) if type == VC_CURVE_POLYLINE: print " Type=Polyline" for p in curves.getPolyLineCurvePoints(c): print " P(",p.X,",",p.Y,",",p.Z,")" if type == VC_CURVE_SPLINE: print " Type=Spline" print " Degree=",curves.getSplineCurveDegree(c) for p in curves.getSplineCurveControlPoints(c): print " P(",p.X,",",p.Y,",",p.Z,")" weights = curves.getSplineCurveControlWeights(c) print " Weights=",weights knots,kms = curves.getSplineCurveKnots(c) print " Knots=",knots print " Kms=",kms |