
Assembly pattern is a collection of assembly slots, which form a reusable definition of which product types should be placed in which position and orientation in the assembly. Note that assembly patterns can also exist independently from assembly product types (vcAssemblyProductType).


Name Type Access Description
Properties List of vcProperty R Property container.
UniqueID String R Unique identifier for this assembly pattern.
Slots List of vcAssemblyPatternSlot R List of all slots associated with this pattern.
Name String RW Pattern name.


Name Return Type Parameters Description
getSlot vcAssemblyPatternSlot Integer index Returns slot from the pattern at specified index.
createSlot vcAssemblyPatternSlot [Integer index] Creates slot at index specified by index.   If index is specified outside of valid indexes or not specified at all, the slot is appended to the existing ones.
removeSlot None vcAssemblyPatternSlot slot, Integer index Deletes the slot, given explicitly as slot, or retrieved based on the index.
cloneSlotFrom vcAssemblyPatternSlot vcAssemblyPatternSlot slot, [Integer index] Creates a copy of given slot at given pattern slot index.   If index is specified outside of valid indexes or not specified at all, the slot is appended to the existing ones.
deleteProperty None vcProperty property Deletes a property of the step.
getProperty vcProperty String propertyName Returns a property of the step.
createProperty vcProperty Enumeration type, String name, [Enumeration constraints] Creates a new property to the step.   See Property Constraint Constants for more information.


Name Parameters Description
OnPatternSlotAdded vcAssemblyPatternSlot Triggered when a slot has been added to this pattern.
OnPatternSlotRemoving vcAssemblyPatternSlot Triggered when a slot is being removed from this pattern.