
vcAuthorContext is the context of the application for component modeling.

Inherits: vcContext


Name Type Access Description
ActiveComponent vcComponent RW Defines the active component in context, thereby clearing ActiveNode and ActiveFeatures properties.
ActiveFeatures List of 2-tuple (vcNode node, List of vcFeature activeFeatures) R Gets a list of active features in context and pairs them with containing node.
ActiveNode vcNode RW Defines the active node in context, thereby clearing the ActiveFeatures properties.


Name Return Type Parameters Description
setActiveFeature None vcFeature activeFeature, vcNode activeNode Sets a given feature in a given node as the active feature in context.
setActiveFeatures None List of 2-tuple (vcNode node, List of vcFeature  activeFeatures) tuples Sets a given list of features in nodes as the active features in context.


Name Parameters Description
ActiveComponentChanged None Triggered when a different component becomes the active component in context.
ActiveFeaturesChanged None Triggered when a different feature or set of features become the active feature(s) in context.