
vcBoolSignal is a signal that can send a Boolean value.

Inherits: vcBehaviour, vcSignal


Name Type Access Description
Value Boolean RW Defines the value of signal.

Setting this value does not trigger the OnSignal event unless you use the signal() method.


Name Return Type Parameters Description
signal None [Boolean value] Signals the current value of signal to all connected behaviors, thereby triggering the OnSignal event.

An optional value argument can be given to set the Value property of the signal.


Example. Use a signal and its value to turn on/off the path of a conveyor

from vcScript import*

comp = getComponent()

sensorSignal = comp.findBehaviour("SensorBooleanSignal")

path = comp.findBehaviour("MyPathWayBehaviour")

# set path behavior ON

path.Enabled = True

# next line blocks execution until the 'sensorSignal' is trigged to value 'True'

# (i.e. component arrives on sensor)

# the trigger, in this case, is specific as is its value

triggerCondition(lambda : getTrigger() == sensorSignal and sensorSignal.Value == True)

# set path behavior OFF (i.e. stop conveyor)

path.Enabled = False

Example. Connect a signal to a port in a different component

from vcScript import *

app = getApplication()

comp = getComponent()

signal1 = comp.findBehaviour("BooleanSignal")

signal2 = app.findComponent("Example").findBehaviour("SignalMap")

#A connection between a signal and signal map port is established
