
NextFlowInfo indicates a direction (inexact location) in the product flow, with extra parameters (ForceExactFlowStep/ForceExactProcessGroup) to indicate how to evaluate this direction. Internally, it will be expanded into multiple FeedOptionFlowInfo objects, which in turn will be used for Feed-Need matching. Used in Product’s NextProcessFlowInfo.


Name Type Access Description
FlowStep vcProcessFlowStep RW Specifies ProcessFlowStep
Group vcProcessGroup RW Specifies ProcessGroup inside the FlowStep.
ForceExactFlowStep Boolean RW Expansion into vcFeedOptionFlowInfo objects may result in multiple options with multiple FlowSteps (e.g., when given FlowStep is Optional).
Setting this to True will filter the results to contain only the given FlowStep.
ForceExactProcessGroup Boolean RW Expansion into vcFeedOptionFlowInfo objects may result in multiple options with multiple ProcessGroups (e.g., when given FlowStep contains multiple ProcessGroups).
Setting this to True will filter the results to contain only the given ProcessGroup (based on GroupID).


Name Return Type Parameters Description
new vcNextProcessFlowInfo None Creates an empty vcNextProcessFlowInfo with both FlowStep and Group being None.


Example. Change the next process for the product

from vcPythonProcessHandler import *
comp = getComponent()
sim = getSimulation()
process_ctr = sim.ProcessController
def OnStatementExecute(executor, statement):
  """Changes the next process for the product"""
  part = comp.findBehaviour("ComponentContainer__HIDE__").Components[0]
  product = part.Product #vcProduct
  next_flow_info = product.NextProcessFlowInfo
  flow_table = process_ctr.FlowTable2
  seq = flow_table.Sequences[0]
  flow_steps = seq.FlowSteps
  chosen_step = flow_steps.get(4)
  next_flow_info.FlowStep = chosen_step
  product.NextProcessFlowInfo = next_flow_info