

vcPathObject is a layout item used for creating and storing path object nodes and segments.

Inherits: vcLayoutItem

Path Objects

A path object can contain one or more types of nodes and segments used for special purposes.


Name Type Access Description
ActionNodeCount Integer R Gets the number of action nodes in path object.
ActionNodeVisualization vcFrameSetVisualization R Gets the object controlling the visualization of action nodes in path object.
MotionNodeCount Integer R Gets the number of motion nodes in path object.
MotionNodeVisualization vcFrameSetVisualization R Gets the object controlling the visualization of motion nodes in path object.
Name String RW Defines the name of path object.
ParameterNodeCount Integer R Gets the number of parameter nodes in path object.
ParameterNodeVisualization vcFrameSetVisualization R Gets the object controlling the visualization of parameter nodes in path object.
Persistent Integer RW Defines if the path object is saved with a layout.

If 0, path object is not saved with layout. If 1, path object is saved with layout.

ReferenceNodeCount Integer R Gets the number of reference nodes in path object.
ReferenceNodeVisualization vcFrameSetVisualization R Gets the object controlling the visualization of reference nodes in the path object.
SegmentCount Integer R Gets the number of segments in the path object.


Name Return Type Parameters Description
clear None None Removes all nodes and segments from path object.
clearNodes None Enumeration type Removes all nodes of a given type from path object.

See Path Object Constants for more information.

clearSegments None None Removes all segments from path object.
createNode <Type> Enumeration type, [Integer index] Adds a new node of a given type to the path object, and then returns the new node.

See Path Object Constants for more information.

createSegment vcPathObjectSegment Integer index Adds a new segment to the path object at a given index, and then returns the new segment.
deleteNode None vcPathObjectNode node Deletes a given node from path object.
deleteSegment None vcPathObjectSegment segment


Integer index

Deletes a given segment or one at a given index from the path object.
findNode <Type> String name Returns a node matching a given name in path object.
findSegment vcPathObjectSegment Real logical_distance Returns a segment at a given logical_distance in path object.
getNode <Type> Enumeration type, Integer index Returns a node of a given type at a given index in path object.
getNodes List of <Type> Enumeration type Returns a list of nodes of a given type in path object.
getSegment vcPathObjectSegment Integer index Returns a segment at a given index in path object.


Example. Create a path of motion nodes

from vcScript import *
import random
app = getApplication()
for i in app.LayoutItems:
po = app.createLayoutItem(VC_LAYOUTITEM_IT_PATHOBJECT)
vis = po.MotionNodeVisualization
vis.ConnectingLinesVisible = True
vis.LineDisplayMode = VC_LINEDISPLAY_LINE
vis.FramesVisible = True
# Note: pathobjects are only visible in the Teach tab
for i in range(5):
  point = po.createNode(VC_PATHOBJECT_NT_MOTION)
  m = point.PositionMatrix
  m.translateRel(100*i, random.random()*20, random.random()*20)
  point.PositionMatrix = m
  prop = point.createProperty(VC_STRING, 'ExtraData')
  prop.Value = str(i)+'_example'