
A product need is an abstract object that informs Visual Components about a process that is ready for a product.

vcProductNeed is the owner of a product need and has full control over the need.


Name Type Access Description
ProductFilter vcProductFilter R Filter defining the products that the process accepts.
TargetProcessGroupId String R Name of the target process.   To be matched with a feed, TargetProcessGroupId needs to have the same value as the feed's NextProcessGroupId property.
TargetNode   vcTransportNode R Target location of the product. This is usually the process that creates the need.

For a need and feed to be matched, a valid transportation solution must exist between the feed's SourceNode and the need's TargetNode.
NeedMatchType Enumeration R

Type and requirements for matching the need with a feed. 

See the product match types in Product Matcher Constants.

RegistrationSimTime Real R Time in the simulation when the need has been added to the product matcher.


Name Return Type Parameters Description
new vcProductNeed vcProductFilter filter, String targetProcessGroupId, vcTransportNode node Creates a new vcProductNeed object and returns the new need.


Name Return Type Parameters Description
tryCancel Boolean None Cancels a match and removes the need from the product matcher. A match cannot be cancelled after the match has been finalized.   Returns True if a match was cancelled or the need was not found in the product matcher.


Name Parameters Description
OnMatched vcProductNeedFeedMatch match Triggered when the need is matched with a feed.