
vcSweptVolume is a layout item used to measure and simulate volume displacement of moving objects and detect collisions.

Inherits: vcLayoutItem

A swept volume requires at least two vcNode objects: one designated as the object being swept (InputNodeList) and one designated as the container of swept geometry (TargetNode). In all cases, the target container should remain static and not move during a simulation.

When an object is swept, it is transformed into one or more convex hulls upon movement, an iterative process ensures, and then the swept volume from convex hulls is rendered in 3D world. Swept geometry can be cleared from 3D world or stored in target container, thereby allowing you to save generated swept geometry in a component or layout.


Name Type Access Description
Decomposition Integer RW Defines the number of convex hulls created for included nodes, for example one conveyor hull encompassing all nodes or several convex hulls based on geometry of each node.

One convex hull.

One or more convex hulls using convex decomposition.

One convex hull for each triangle mesh in input nodes.

See Decomposition Modes for more information.

DecompositionDecimationTarget Integer W If Decomposition set to 1, sets the number of triangle sets remaining after decimation process of input nodes with fewer triangle sets than decimation target, thereby allowing you to expedite/speed up the process.

Set to zero to have no effect.

DecompositionQuality Real W If Decomposition set to 1, sets the quality of decomposition in range 0 to 100, thereby affecting the approximation of convex hulls to the shape of input node geometry.

A higher value produces better approximation and convex-shaped triangle sets at the cost of increasing a component's data count and simulation performance.

InputNodeList List of 3-tuple (vcNode, Enumeration inclusion, Enumeration scope) RW Defines which nodes will be swept during a simulation.

The value type is similar to Nodes property of a vcNodeList object in which a given node and its scope is either included or excluded from swept volume.

Method Integer W Sets the method used for generating convex hulls as swept geometry, for example hollow or filled convex hulls.

Uses lofting. Good for movements requiring small changes, for example small rotational and directional changes in linear motions and bending of curves.

Uses hull from hulls generation. Creates internal faces and more points, thereby a higher data count but supports all types of movement.

Uses hull from silhouettes generation. Balance of methods 0 and 1 to support small and complex movements.

Note: Each method type has about the same performance level.

See Swept Generation for more information.

TargetNode vcNode W Sets the node used for containing swept geometry, which should be static and not move during simulation.


Name Return Type Parameters Description
begin None [vcVector vector] Starts swept volume process, thereby initiating decomposition.

An optional vector argument can be given to define a frame of reference or center point in input node. If not, process uses center point of input node bound box.

clear None None Removes all swept geometry of layout item from 3D world.
end None None Stops swept volume process.

After swept volume process has ended, you can perform capping of swept geometry.

next None [vcVector vector] Executes an iterative process that renders swept geometry based on positions of input nodes. That is, you should call this method each time you want to render swept volume in 3D world during swept process.

An optional vector argument can be given to define a frame of reference or center point in input node as it moves during a simulation. If not, process uses center point of input node bound box. Generally, this is used to offset swept geometry.

store vcFeature None Stores swept geometry in TargetNode, thereby allowing you to save swept geometry in component and/or layout.

Returns the Geometry feature where swept volume is stored in TargetNode. The naming convention for feature is VC_SweptVolumeResult, and the feature is an immediate child of TargetNode root feature.

If no swept geometry is generated during simulation, returns None.

Generally, you should call store() method after calling end() method and before clear() method.


Example. Decomposition and Method results

Decomposition = 0 | Method = 0 (lofting)

Decomposition = 1 | Method = 0 (lofting)

Decomposition = 0 | Method = 1

Decomposition = 1 | Method = 1

Example. Basic implementation of swept volume

from vcScript import*
#create swept volume object
app = getApplication()
sv = app.findLayoutItem('swept')
if sv == None:
  sv = app.createLayoutItem(VC_LAYOUTITEM_IT_SWEPTVOLUME)
  sv.Name = 'swept'
#setup nodes to include/exclude in node list and scope
comp = getComponent()
nodes = comp.findNode('Enter Node Name')
sv.InputNodeList = [( nodes, VC_NODELIST_INCLUDE, VC_NODELIST_NODE )]
#define if decomposition is done and what method to sweep
sv.Decomposition = 1
sv.Method = 1
#define container of swept volume geometry (must be static/not move)
sv.TargetNode = getNode()
#define when to begin, update and end swept volume during simulation
def OnRun():
  while True:
    #how often the swept volume is updated affects visualization of node's location
def OnStop():
#remove swept volume as needed
#remember generated swept volume is parented to target node
def OnReset():

Example. Generate swept volume for robot and gripper

#The following code should be inserted as an Python Script of the component where the #swept volume is stored
from vcScript import*
app = getApplication()
comp = getComponent()
sim = getSimulation()
finalized = False
sweptdefinition = None
def OnFinalize():
  global follownode, boundcenter, sweptdefinition, finalized, sweptnode
  if finalized:
  # Change the name of the node according to your model
  follownode = app.findComponent("Press Gripper")
  boundcenter = follownode.BoundCenter
  # You may also want to change the name of the layout item.
  # Keep it specific in case you have multiple items
  sweptdefinition = app.findLayoutItem("PressGripperSweptDefintion")
  sweptdefinition = app.createLayoutItem(VC_LAYOUTITEM_IT_SWEPTVOLUME)
  sweptdefinition.Name = "PressGripperSweptDefintion"
# The following includes the node only
  sweptdefinition.InputNodeList =\
# Create a node in component to consist of the swept volume only.
# This is handy when defining collision queues
  sweptnode = comp.findNode('Swept')
  if not sweptnode:
    sweptnode = comp.createNode(VC_NODE,'Swept')
  sweptdefinition.TargetNode = sweptnode
# This is the fastest combination of method and decomposition
# to generate swept volume
  sweptdefinition.method = VC_SWEPT_HULL_FROM_HULLS
  sweptdefinition.decomposition = VC_CONVEXHULL
  finalized = True
def OnReset():
  global sweptdefinition
  if sweptdefinition:
# Tell the Swept Definition to clear all recording
def OnStart():
  global sweptdefinition, finalized, follownode, boundcenter
# Tell the Swept Definition to start recording
  sweptdefinition.begin(follownode.WorldPositionMatrix * boundcenter)
def OnSimulationUpdate(time):
  global sweptdefinition, finalized, follownode, boundcenter
  if finalized and sim.IsRunning:
# Tell the Swept Definition to record one step * boundcenter)
def OnStop():
  global sweptdefinition
  if sweptdefinition:
# Tell the Swept Definition to stop recording