vcTeachContext is the context of the application for robot programming.
Inherits: vcContext
Name | Type | Access | Description |
ActiveRobot | vcComponent | RW | Defines the active robot in context. |
ActiveRoutine | vcRoutine | R | Gets the active routine in the ActiveRobot program. |
ActiveScope | vcScope | R | Gets the active routine or scope of statement in ActiveRobot program. |
ActiveStatement | <Type> | R | Gets the active statement in ActiveRobot program. |
ActiveStatementIndex | Integer | R | Gets the index of active statement in ActiveRobot program. |
Name | Return Type | Parameters | Description |
setActiveStatement | None | vcScope scope, Integer index | Sets the statement at the given index in the given scope to be ActiveStatement. |
Name | Parameters | Description |
ActiveRobotChanged | None | Triggered when a different robot becomes the active robot in context. |
Example. Get active robot and routine in 3D world
from vcScript import * ##Option 1 def getActiveRoutine(): routine = getApplication().TeachContext.ActiveScope if routine: if routine.ParentStatement: routine = routine.ParentStatement.Routine return routine ##Option 2 app = getApplication() teach = app.TeachContext robot = teach.ActiveRobot if robot: executor = robot.findBehavioursByType( VC_ROBOTEXECUTOR )[0] main = executor.Program.MainRoutine scope = teach.ActiveScope if teach.ActiveStatementIndex < 0: print "No statements exist within the scope" else: print "Index of the currently selected statement in the scope is : ", teach.ActiveStatementIndex if type(scope) == type(main): print "Current Routine is: ", scope else: print "Current Routine is (read from scope statement): ", scope.ParentStatement.Routine |