
vcToolContainer is a container of vcBaseFrame objects which are used as tool frames/tool center points.

Inherits: vcBehaviour


Name Type Access Description
Tools List of vcBaseFrame R Gets a list of all tool frames referenced by container.


Name Return Type Parameters Description
addTool vcBaseFrame None Adds a new tool frame to container, and then returns the new tool frame.
removeTool None vcBaseFrame tool Removes a given tool frame from container.


Example. Set up tool container and tool center points

from vcScript import *
comp = getComponent()
tools = comp.createBehaviour(VC_TOOLCONTAINER, 'MyTools')
tcp1 = tools.addTool()
tcp1.PositionExpression = 'Rx(180).Tz(200)'
tcp1.Name = 'MyTCP'
# re-select the component in 3D world in order to see changes