vcVREvents is used together with Visual Components Experience for interactive Virtual Reality (VR) applications.
How It Works
VRStreaming must be enabled in the configuration file.
Name | Type | Access | Description |
Buttons | List of Integer | R |
- Index 0: a bitmask for pressed buttons, first 32 bits (see ulButtonPressed ) - Index 1: see above, last 32 bits - Index 2: a bitmask for touched buttons, first 32 bits (see ulButtonTouched ) - Index 3: see above, last 32 bits |
ClientId | Integer | R | A number identifying which client sent the data that is currently stored in the VREvents object |
DeviceInputs | List of Dictionary | R |
A list of dictionaries, where each dictionary contains the following key-value pairs - key: "DeviceRole", value: string, "LeftHanded"/"RightHanded" - key: "Axis2DInputs", value: dict<string, Tuple<float, float>>, 2D inputs (e.g. touchpad) - key: "AxisInputs", value: dict<string, float>, 1D inputs (e.g. trigger) - key: "ButtonInputs", value: dict<string, bool>, digital (0/1) button inputs Note: in all input dictionaries the key value is a string value identifying the input type (see InputFeatureUsage column in Unity XR input mappings) |
DeviceModel | String | R | The model of the connected VR device |
Directions | List of vcVector | R |
- Index 0: right controller - forward - Index 1: right controller - right - Index 2: left controller - forward - Index 3: left controller - right - Index 4: HMD - forward - Index 5: HMD - right Note: the up vector can be computed as the crossproduct of the right and forward vector |
EventCounter | Integer | R | The number of events processed by the server |
EventsEnabled | Boolean | RW | Enable/disable the events |
MaxUpdateRate | Integer | RW | Defines the maximum update rate |
OneMeterLength | Real | RW | Defines the scale of the units used in Experience. For example, when the value is 1000.0, one meter in Experience is 1000 units in simulation. |
Position | List of vcVector | R |
- Index 0: right controller position - Index 1: left controller position - Index 2: Head-mounted device (HMD) position |
RealEventCounter | Integer | R | Number of events sent by the client |
RoomCenter |
vcVector | R | The physical location of the room |
Times | List of Real | R |
- Index 0: time as reported by Experience - Index 1: delta from the last message sent by Experience - Index 2: delta from the last update (basically the frametime in Experience) - Index 3: VR event updates skipped before the last update (the client skips sending updates according to the MaxUpdateRate and also if the server is still processing a certain number of old messages) - Index 4: VR event updates skipped in total |
Touches | List of vcVector | R |
- Index 0: Vector (touchpad x-axis, touchpad y-axis, touchpad is pressed (0.0/1.0)) (right controller) - Index 1: Vector (??? x-axis, ??? y-axis, 0.0) (right controller, device-specific) - Index 2: Vector (trigger value, has teleported (0.0/1.0), trigger pressed (0.0/1.0)) (right controller) |
Name | Return Type | Parameters | Description |
toggleAction | None | Integer clientId, String action, Boolean value | Makes it possible to enable or disable certain VR actions in Visual Components Experience. The clientId argument is the ClientId received through the VREvents object. The action argument defines the action to be enabled or disabled. Teleport toggles the user's ability to teleport, Elevator toggles the user's ability to use the built-in elevator platform Pause toggles the user's ability to pause and resume the simulation within Experience. The value argument denotes whether the action is enabled (True) or disabled (False). |
Name | Parameters | Description |
OnVREvents | None | Called when a VR event has been received and the data in the VREvents object has been updated. |
Example. Print the info for VREvents
from vcScript import * app = getApplication() vrevents = getApplication().VREvents last_update = getApplication().RealTime processed_count = 0 def OnVREvents(): global last_update, processed_count, vrevents, app if app.RealTime - last_update > 1.0: last_update = app.RealTime onemeter = vrevents.OneMeterLength physical_room_center = vrevents.RoomCenter helmet_pos = vrevents.Positions[2] helmet_dir = vrevents.Directions[2*2 + 0] right_controller_pos = vrevents.Positions[0] right_controller_dir = vrevents.Directions[0*2 + 0] axis1 = vrevents.Touches[0] axis2 = vrevents.Touches[1] axis3 = vrevents.Touches[2] print "VREvents: TIMING: ", processed_count, vrevents.Times[0], vrevents.Times[1], vrevents.Times[2], vrevents.Times[3], vrevents.Times[4] print "VREvents: ROOM INFO: ", physical_room_center.X, physical_room_center.Y, physical_room_center.Z, ", OneMeter:", onemeter print "VREvents: HELMET:", helmet_pos.X, helmet_pos.Y, helmet_pos.Z, helmet_dir.X, helmet_dir.Y, helmet_dir.Z print "VREvents: CONTROLLER:", right_controller_pos.X, right_controller_pos.Y, right_controller_pos.Z, right_controller_dir.X, right_controller_dir.Y, right_controller_dir.Z print "VREvents: AXIS1:", axis1.X, axis1.Y, axis1.Z print "VREvents: AXIS2:", axis2.X, axis2.Y, axis2.Z print "VREvents: AXIS3:", axis3.X, axis3.Y, axis3.Z print "VREvents: BUTTONS: ", vrevents.Buttons[0], vrevents.Buttons[1], vrevents.Buttons[2], vrevents.Buttons[3] print "---------------------------------------" print "Device model:", vrevents.DeviceModel print "Client ID:", vrevents.ClientId for di in vrevents.DeviceInputs: print "---------------------------------------" print "Device role:", di["DeviceRole"] for name, value in di["Axis2DInputs"].iteritems(): print "Input:", name, value for name, value in di["AxisInputs"].iteritems(): print "Input:", name, value for name, value in di["ButtonInputs"].iteritems(): print "Input:", name, value print "---------------------------------------" processed_count = 0 else: processed_count = processed_count + 1 vrevents.EventsEnabled = True vrevents.MaxUpdateRate = 20 vrevents.OnVREvents = OnVREvents print "VREvents: ", vrevents.EventsEnabled, vrevents.MaxUpdateRate |