
vcViewAnimation is a layout item used for animating camera movements during a simulation.

Inherits: vcLayoutItem

How It Works

vcViewAnimation executes a program of camera movements. The structure of the program is similar to a robot program, containing routines with each routine containing a scope of statements.





By default, the Main routine of the program is executed at the start of simulation. A simple program would contain View and Delay statements.

A View statement specifies a 3D world view and transition. The 3D world view refers to a view available in the scene by name. If the view does not exist, the statement will still execute its transition as a delay. The transition defines how long it takes the 3D world camera to reach a view. For example, a transition of 0 seconds would snap the 3D world camera to a view.

Generally, a Delay statement is used to keep the 3D world camera stationary until the camera transitions to the next view.


Name Type Access Description
Program vcProgram R Gets the program of animator.


Name Return Type Parameters Description
getProgram vcProgram None Returns the program of animator.


Example. Create program for animating 3D world camera

from vcScript import *
def createViewAnimation():
  app = getApplication()
  #get the view animator
  item = app.findLayoutItem("ViewAnimation")
  if not item:
    item = app.createLayoutItem("ViewAnimation")
  #get the program executed by animator and clear its Main routine
  prog = item.Program
  routine = prog.MainRoutine
  #add view statements
  #the view must exist in layout
  #otherwise you will need to create it using either View Editor in GUI or API
  #get vcApplication.Views to handle a list of user views
  vs = routine.addStatement(VC_STATEMENT_VIEW)
  vs.Delay = 4.0
  vs.View = "View1"
  #add delay to wait until next camera movement
  vs = routine.addStatement(VC_STATEMENT_DELAY)
  vs.Delay = 4.0
  vs = routine.addStatement(VC_STATEMENT_VIEW)
  vs.Delay = 4.0
  vs.View = "View2"