
vcGeometryFeature is the object type for Geometry features in a component.

Inherits: vcFeature


Name Type Access Description
AmbientOcclusion Enumeration RW Defines if geometry supporting ambient occlusion is rendered in the 3D world.



CreaseAngle Real RW Defines an angle tolerance for smoothing surfaces based on camera angle and lighting calculations.

For example, if the angle between edges of a surface is less than CreaseAngle, the affected triangle sets will appear as one smooth face.

Geometry vcGeometryContainer R Gets the container of feature's geometry.
IsUnique Boolean R Indicates if the feature and its geometry is unique or shared with other features.

(Deprecated) Use the IsUnique property in vcComponent.

OnDemandLoad Boolean RW Defines if geometry of feature is loaded when the feature is being used or enabled in its node.

Generally, this property is used with a Switch feature to show/hide geometry based on a user's choice.

Pickable Boolean RW Turns on/off the ability to select geometry of feature in the 3D world.

Note: This affects all commands and tools that use snap types.

ShowContent Boolean RW Turns on/off the visibility of feature.
ShowBackfaces Boolean RW Turns on/off the rendering of geometry in the feature that is not facing the camera of the 3D world.
TesselationQuality Real RW Defines the quality of feature's geometry by affecting both angle and chord height tolerances used for tessellating the feature.

Note: This property does not set any fractional tolerance values as it relates to the degree of accuracy.

Uri String RW Defines the URI of source file for geometry used in feature.

Writing this property will override any existing geometry in the feature and cannot be undone.


Name Return Type Parameters Description
makeUnique None None Makes the feature and its geometry unique, thereby the geometry is not shared with other features.

(Deprecated) Use the makeUnique() method in vcComponent.


Example. Create a Geometry feature for a geometry file

from vcScript import *

app = getApplication()

comp = app.findComponent("Feeder Template")

node = comp.findNode("Feeder Template")

rootFeature = node.findFeature("Root")

geometryFeature = rootFeature.createFeature(VC_GEOMETRY, "Geometry")

geometryFeature.Uri = "file:///C:\Documents\car.3ds"

Example. Restrict the selection of Geometry feature in 3D world

from vcScript import *

comp = getComponent()

geo_f = [x for x in comp.RootFeature.Children if x.Type == VC_GEOMETRY]

for f in geo_f:

  f.Pickable = False