
vcProperty is a property object with its own set of properties, methods and event handlers.


Name Type Access Description
CalculatedValue <Type> R Gets the calculated value of property.

Generally, this is used to get the result of an Expression  type property whose Value is an expression passed as a string. All other types, except Distribution, would return the same as Value.

ChangeOnRebuild Boolean RW Defines if component geometry is rebuilt when property value is changed.
ChangeOnReconfigure Boolean RW Defines if component structure is reconfigured when property value is changed.
ChangeOnUpdate Boolean RW Defines if simulation world is updated when property value is changed.
Distribution String RW If Distribution type property, defines an expression to use for calculating values.

Available functions include:

normal( u, s )
Normal distribution for mean value u, and the standard deviation s.

lognormal( u, s )
Log normal distribution for mean u, and the standard deviation s.

uniform( a, b )
Uniform distribution in range a <= x < b.

exponential( lambda )
Exponential distribution where the mean is 1/lambda and the variance is 1/lambda^2.

gamma( k, theta )
Gamma distribution with shape k and scale theta.

triangular( min, mode, max )
Triangular distribution with the specified minimum, mode and maximum values.

weibull( k, lambda )
Weibull distribution with shape k and scale lambda.

Tip: Use RandomStream to have the distribution use a stream for seeding a value and generating the same set of random numbers during a simulation. That is, if you reset and run a simulation you should expect the same values given in the previous simulation.

Group Integer RW Defines the group assignment of property.

Properties are ordered by groups, and a group number is automatically assigned at the time of creation. This order can be overridden to have properties come before or after one another when listed in the GUI.

IgnoreEvents Boolean RW Defines if event passing is ignored by property, for example to avoid cyclic calls.
IsVisible Boolean RW Turns on/off the visibility of property in Properties panel.
IsVisibleDesignTime Boolean RW Turns on/off the visibility of property in Component Cell Graph panel.
IsDesignTime Boolean RW Defines if property is used for component authoring.
IsPersistent Boolean RW Defines if property value is saved with component or layout.
ListValueCount Integer R Gets the number of values listed in property.
ListValues List of vcPropertyListValue R Gets a list of values for property.
Magnitude Real R Gets the conversion factor of unit assigned to property.

The conversion factor is used to convert the value of property to and from its canonical unit. For example, if the property has a Quantity of Distance with a Unit of millimeters (mm), the magnitude is 1. If Unit is meters (m), the magnitude is 1000.0.

Note: You can use setUnitMagnitude() to change the unit of property based on the current unit group of its quantity. For example, a magnitude of 10 would most likely change the unit to centimeters (cm) if the quantity of property was Distance.

MaxValue <Type> W If property supports a limit constraint, defines maximum value of property.
MinValue <Type> W If property supports a limit constraint, defines the minimum value of property.
Name String RW Defines the name of property.
Quantity vcScalarQuantity



RW Defines the quantity of property.

Tip: You assign the quantity by name using a string, for example Distance, thereby the application will search for and assign a quantity matching that name.

RandomStream Integer RW If Distribution type property, defines a stream used for generating pseudo-random values.

Every layout has a RandomStreams layout item, which has a set of RandomSeedN properties where N is 0 to 63, which contain the seed values for each stream.

A random stream can be used in distribution function, for example normal(stream,u,s) in which stream is the index of stream in the layout to use, u is mean value and s is standard deviation.

StepValues List of <Type> RW If property has a step constraint, defines a list of step values for property.
SupportsTemplate Boolean R Indicates if property supports the use of a templates.
Templates List of String R Gets a list of names of the templates in the property.
Type Enumeration R Gets the property type.

See Property Constants for more information.

Unit vcUnit R Gets the unit of property.

Note: Use setUnitMagnitude() to change the unit of property. The magnitude should be the conversion factor of unit in the current unit group of quantity assigned to property.

Value <Type> RW Gets/Sets property value.
WritableWhenConnected Boolean RW Defines if property value can be set when component of property is connected to another component via interface.
WritableWhenDisconnected Boolean RW Defines if property value can be set when component of property is not connected to another component via interface.
WritableWhenSimulating Boolean RW Defines if property value can be set when a simulation is running.


Name Return Type Parameters Description
addValueFromTemplate vcPropertyListValue String prop Adds value from template to property.
deleteValue None Integer index If property has step constraint, deletes a value at a given index from property.
getValue vcPropertyListValue Integer index If property has step constraint, gets value at a given index from property.
setUnitMagnitude None Real magnitude Sets the unit of property based on the given magnitude.

The magnitude is the conversion factor of unit you want to assign to property. The unit should belong to the current unit group of quantity assigned to property.


Name Parameters Description
OnChanged vcProperty property Triggered when value of property is changed.


Example. Using distribution property and controlling the random seed

from vcScript import *

comp = getComponent()
app = getApplication()

rd_prop = comp.getProperty('RealDist')

if not rd_prop:
  # create a Distribution type property
  rd_prop = comp.createProperty(VC_DISTRIBUTION, 'RealDist')

# set value to normal distribution with mean value of X and standard deviation of Y
rd_prop.Distribution = "normal(100.0, 5.0)"
rd_prop.RandomStream = 1 # also defaults to 1

# get the seeds layout item and print all seed values
seeds = app.findLayoutItem('RandomSeeds')
print [x.Value for x in seeds.Properties]

# set new seed value for the stream 1. Distribution properties default to stream 1 which can be changed in the property editor.
seeds.RandomSeed1 = 7

def OnRun():
  print comp.RealDist
  print comp.RealDist
  print comp.RealDist
  print '-'*99
  # these printed values are the same sequence of three values on each simulation run start, unless the Seed is changed.

Example. Define min and max values of properties

from vcScript import *
comp = getComponent()
##Real property - supports limit constraint, thereby min and max range values
p = comp.getProperty("Test_Real")
if not p:
  p = comp.createProperty(VC_REAL, "Test_Real", VC_PROPERTY_LIMIT)
p.MinValue = 0x00000A
p.MaxValue = 0144
p.Value = 0b00110010
print p.MinValue, p.MaxValue, p.Value
#prints 10.0 100.0 50.0
##Integer property - supports limit constraint, must pass integer values
p = comp.getProperty("Test_Integer")
if not p:
  p = comp.createProperty(VC_INTEGER, "Test_Integer", VC_PROPERTY_LIMIT)
p.MinValue = int(45.5)
p.MaxValue = int(940.457)
p.Value = int(468.319)
print p.MinValue, p.MaxValue, p.Value
#prints 45 940 468

Example. Get calculated value of properties

from vcScript import *
comp = getComponent()
##Expression property - Value is the expression to be evaluated; CalculatedValue is result of expression
p = comp.getProperty("Test_Expression")
if not p:
  p = comp.createProperty(VC_EXPRESSION, "Test_Expression")
p.Value = "2+2"
print p.Value, " = ", p.CalculatedValue
#prints 2 + 2 = 4
##Real property - CalculatedValue and Value return same values
p = comp.getProperty("Test_Real")
if not p:
  p = comp.createProperty(VC_REAL, "Test_Real")
p.Value = 2+2
print p.Value, " = ", p.CalculatedValue
#prints 4.0 = 4.0
##Distribution property - CalculatedValue and Value return different values
p = comp.getProperty("Test_Distribution")
if not p:
  p = comp.createProperty(VC_DISTRIBUTION, "Test_Distribution")
p.Distribution = "normal(100.0,5.0)"
print p.Value
print p.CalculatedValue
print p.Value
#each call returns, most likely, different pseudo-random value; so printed results will vary

Example. Using a real distribution with a random stream

from vcScript import *
comp = getComponent()
prop = comp.getProperty("Test_Distribution")
if not prop:
  prop = comp.createProperty(VC_DISTRIBUTION, "Test_Distribution")
#prop.Distribution = "normal(100.0, 5.0)"
#prop.RandomStream = 4
prop.Distribution = "normal(4, 100.0, 5.0)"
def OnRun():
    count = 0
    while count < 5:
      count += 1
      print prop.Value

Example. Using OnChange event

from vcScript import *
def myActionFunction(arg): #function arguments need to match with event parameters
  print arg.Value
comp = getComponent()
# get handle to a property (in this example a component property)
myprop = comp.getProperty('MyParameter')
# this property needs to be a global so events registered to this stay alive
# for example -- > global myprop
myprop.OnChanged = myActionFunction #register a custom function to an event

Example. Add different types of properties to a component

from vcScript import *
comp = getComponent()
# create a new property, this returns None if property with same name already exists
prop1 = comp.createProperty(VC_REAL, 'Fever')
prop1.Value = 36.8
# another new property with step values
prop2 = comp.createProperty(VC_STRING, 'MyLocationParam', VC_PROPERTY_STEP)
# polulate drop-down menu with pre-defined values
prop2.StepValues = ['Europe', 'America', 'Asia', 'Africa', 'Australia']
# set value: option1
comp.MyLocationParam = 'Asia'
# set value: option2 --> prop2.Value = 'Asia'