
vcAnnotation is a layout item used for authoring new and existing annotations in a layout.

Inherits: vcLayoutItem


Name Type Access Description
Height Real RW Defines the height of text displayed in annotation.
LineWidth Real RW Defines the line width of annotation.
Location vcMatrix RW Defines the position matrix of annotation in World coordinate system).
LockToNode Boolean RW Defines if the annotation is attached to a node in component. That is, whether or not the annotation is anchored to a component or 3D world.
Material vcMaterial RW Defines the material of annotation.
Name String RW Defines the annotation's name.
Node vcNode RW Defines the node the annotation is attached to in the 3D world.

If the annotation is not locked to a node, the value is None.

Position vcMatrix RW Defines the location of the annotation in its parent's coordinate system. That is, the anchor point of the annotation.

If the annotation is not anchored to a component, the location is based in the World (simulation root node) coordinate system.

Text String RW Defines the text of the annotation displayed in an environment.
Thickness Real RW Defines the thickness of the annotation's text in an environment.


Name Return Type Parameters Description
getProperty vcProperty String name Returns a property matching a given name in the annotation; otherwise returns None.


Example. Find and get annotation in layout

from vcScript import *

app = getApplication()

annotation = app.findLayoutItem("[AnnotationName]")