vcAnnotation is a layout item used for authoring new and existing annotations in a layout.
Inherits: vcLayoutItem
Name | Type | Access | Description |
Height | Real | RW | Defines the height of text displayed in annotation. |
LineWidth | Real | RW | Defines the line width of annotation. |
Location | vcMatrix | RW | Defines the position matrix of annotation in World coordinate system). |
LockToNode | Boolean | RW | Defines if the annotation is attached to a node in component. That is, whether or not the annotation is anchored to a component or 3D world. |
Material | vcMaterial | RW | Defines the material of annotation. |
Name | String | RW | Defines the annotation's name. |
Node | vcNode | RW | Defines the node the annotation is attached to in the 3D world.
If the annotation is not locked to a node, the value is None. |
Position | vcMatrix | RW | Defines the location of the annotation in its parent's coordinate system. That is, the anchor point of the annotation.
If the annotation is not anchored to a component, the location is based in the World (simulation root node) coordinate system. |
Text | String | RW | Defines the text of the annotation displayed in an environment. |
Thickness | Real | RW | Defines the thickness of the annotation's text in an environment. |
Name | Return Type | Parameters | Description |
getProperty | vcProperty | String name | Returns a property matching a given name in the annotation; otherwise returns None. |
Example. Find and get annotation in layout
from vcScript import * app = getApplication() annotation = app.findLayoutItem("[AnnotationName]") |