
vcMatrix is a 4x4 matrix and is generally used to perform linear transformations and contain the position and orientation of objects.


Name Return Type Parameters Description
new vcMatrix [vcMatrix matrix] Creates a new vcMatrix object.


Name Description
* Performs matrix multiplication with another vcMatrix object or transforms a vcVector object. If the multiplier is a vcVector object, the product will be a vcVector object.


Name Type Access Description
N vcVector RW Defines Normal vector that is unit vector in X-axis direction.
O vcVector RW Defines Orientation vector that is unit vector in Y-axis direction.
A vcVector RW Defines Approach vector that is unit vector in Z-axis direction.
P vcVector RW Defines Position vector.
WPR vcVector RW Defines roll, pitch and yaw angles.

Note: The directional vectors N,O and A should be unit vectors and orthonormal. That is, the length of N,O and A should be 1.0, and they should be normal to one another (orthonormal). Otherwise, the vcMatrix object will be skewed.


Name Return Type Parameters Description
getAxisAngle vcVector None Returns the orientation of the matrix as a rotation of its identity matrix about the axis defined by the XYZ values of the returned vector.

The W property of the returned vector is the rotation angle (in degrees).

getEuler vcVector None Returns the orientation of the matrix as a set of absolute rotations (in fixed coordinate system) around the Z-axis, followed by the Y-axis, and then again the Z-axis, in the form of a vector containing those angles (in degrees).
getQuaternion vcVector None Returns the orientation of the matrix as a quaternion in the form of a vector.
getWPR vcVector None Returns the orientation of the matrix as a set of relative rotations around ZYX axes, in that order, in the form of a vector containing those angles (in degrees).
identity None None Sets matrix to equal its identity.
invert None None Sets the matrix to equal its inverse.
rotateAbsX None Real value Rotates the matrix around X-axis in absolute coordinate system.
rotateAbsY None Real value Rotates the matrix around Y-axis in absolute coordinate system.
rotateAbsZ None Real value Rotates the matrix around Z-axis in absolute coordinate system.
rotateAbsV None vcVector v, Real angle Rotates the matrix around an axis defined by a given vector by a given angle in absolute coordinate system.
rotateRelX None Real value Rotates the matrix around X-axis in coordinate system relative to matrix position.
rotateRelY None Real value Rotate the matrix around Y-axis in coordinate system relative to matrix position.
rotateRelZ None Real value Rotates the matrix around Z-axis in coordinate system relative to matrix position.
rotateRelV None vcVector v, Real angle Rotates the matrix around an axis defined by a given vector by a given angle in coordinate system relative to matrix position.
scaleAbs None Real x, Real y, Real z Scales the matrix in relation to 3D world origin.
scaleRel None Real x, Real y, Real z Scales the matrix in relation to matrix position.
setAxisAngle None Real x, Real y, Real z, Real w Rotates the matrix around an axis.

The x, y and z arguments define a unit vector and direction of axis. The w argument defines the rotation (in degrees) around that axis.

setEuler None Real x, Real y, Real z Sets the orientation of the matrix by executing a set of absolute rotations (in degrees) around Z-axis, followed by Y-axis, and then around Z-axis in fixed coordinate system.
setIJK None Real i, Real j, Real k Sets the orientation of the matrix so that its Approach vector (Z-axis) is aligned with a vector defined by i, j and k arguments.
setQuaternion None Real q1, Real q2, Real q3, Real q4 Sets the orientation of the matrix by using a quaternion defined by four given arguments.
setWPR None Real yaw, Real pitch, Real roll Sets the orientation of the matrix by using roll, pitch and yaw arguments.
translateAbs None Real x, Real y, Real z Translates the matrix position by a given offset (XYZ values) in reference (Parent) coordinate system. Parent can be for example the World or a Node.
translateRel None Real x, Real y, Real z Translates the matrix position by a given offset (XYZ values) in Object coordinate system.
uniform None None Modifies the matrix to be orthogonal and contain no scaling.


Example. Create matrix position for component

from vcScript import *
import vcMatrix
comp = getComponent()
mtx =
comp.PositionMatrix = mtx

Example. Manipulating and printing matrix values

# create a python behaviour replace and compile
import vcMatrix as mat
def printMatrix(mat):   
"""Usefull utility function for printing matrix value"""   
  for Vec in [mat.N,mat.O,mat.A,mat.P]:     
    print ("%3.3g\t%3.3g\t%3.3g\t%3.3g\n"%(Vec.X,Vec.Y,Vec.Z,Vec.W))
#lets generate a matrix
# rotate it in place
# Then move about
# please note following will not work
# m.P.X=345
# use instead
# print the resulting matrix

Example. Get object's position matrix in relation to another object's coordinate system

from vcScript import *
import vcMatrix
app = getApplication()
yellow = app.findComponent('Yellow')
orange = app.findComponent('Orange')
mtxOrange = orange.PositionMatrix #green arrow in the picture
mtxYellow = yellow.PositionMatrix # blue arrow in the picture
invMtxYellow = yellow.PositionMatrix
invMtxYellow.invert() # purple arrow in the picture
mtxYellowToOrange = invMtxYellow * mtxOrange # result: black arrow in the picture
print mtxYellowToOrange.P.X,mtxYellowToOrange.P.Y,mtxYellowToOrange.P.Z