
vcCamera provides the capability of controlling a virtual camera and its view for an environment.


Name Type Access Description
ClipFar Real RW Defines how far objects can be from a camera in order to be displayed. If objects are too far then they are not visible.
ClippingMethod Enumeration RW Defines the clipping mode for a camera's view.

Clipping is used to determine how close and far objects can be from a camera to be displayed on screen.




Classic is the default setting for the application. Automatic tries to keep all objects in view of a camera visible. Manual allows a user to specify the near and far distances for clipping.

Manual mode uses ClipNear and ClipFar properties to define a clip-volume space of a camera's projected view. Objects within the area defined by ClipNear and ClipFar are displayed based on a camera's center of interest and eye settings.

Example. Clipping a camera's perspective view

Clipping can be defined manually in orthographic view when needed; otherwise, Classic mode is recommended.

ClipNear Real RW Defines how close objects can be to a camera in order to be displayed. If objects are too close then they are not visible.
Coi vcVector RW Defines camera's center of interest location.
Eye vcVector RW Defines camera's eye location.
Matrix vcMatrix R Defines the whole camera matrix.
Name String RW Defines the name of the camera.
NavigationDisabled Boolean RW Defines if navigation commands in GUI are turned on or off to allow camera orientation with other tools.


Name Return Type Parameters Description
getRay 2-tuple (vcMatrix position, Real length) Real px, Real py Gets the ray based on the image coordinate system.


Example. Define camera's eye and center of interest

from vcScript import *

import vcVector


app = getApplication()

camera = app.findCamera()

eyeV =,5000,2000)

coiV =,500,0)  

#tip: set coi first, and then set eye of camera

camera.Coi = coiV

camera.Eye = eyeV
