
vcConnector allows you to establish connections between behaviors in order to transfer components. For example, flow type behaviors may have any number of connections (ports/connectors) to manage the receiving and sending of components.


Name Type Access Description
Behaviour vcBehaviour R Gets the behavior that the connector is connected to in a component.

If no connection, the value is None.

CapacityTest Enumeration RW Define the mode for testing capacity before transferring a component to an outgoing connection.

See Connector Constants for more information.

Connection vcConnector RW Defines connector that the connector is connected to in a component.

If no connection, the value is None.

Index Integer R Gets the position of the connector in its behavior's list of connectors.
Name String RW Defines the name of connector.
Type Enumeration RW Defines the connector's type. That is, whether the connector is an Input, Output or Input/Output type port.

See Connector Constants for more information.


Name Return Type Parameters Description
connect None [vcConnector connector] Connects the connector to a given connector.

If no argument is given, this method will remove all connections of the connector.

testCapacity Boolean None Tests the capacity of connector's behavior.

Returns True if not at capacity; otherwise returns False if at full capacity. If the behavior of a connector does not have physical capacity, for example Component Flow Proxy, returns None.

testConnectedCapacity Boolean None Tests the capacity of behavior connected to the connector.

Returns True if not at capacity; otherwise returns False if at full capacity. If the behavior of a connector does not have physical capacity, for example Component Flow Proxy, returns None.


Example. Access and connect the connectors of paths

def OnRun():

  comp = getComponent()

  path1 = comp.findBehaviour('InPath')

  path2 = comp.findBehaviour('OutPath')

#option 1: access connector

  outConnector = path1.getConnector('Output')

#option 2: access connector

  inConnector = path2.Connectors[0]

  outConnector.connect( inConnector )