
vcKinObject stores custom kinematics data implemented by a user in a Python Kinematics behavior.


Name Type Access Description
CustomData Object RW Defines an instance of a user-defined class, thereby allowing you to implement custom properties and methods for the kinematics object.
JointCount Integer R Gets the joint count of the kinematics object.
JointMaxLimits List of Real R Gets the maximum value for each joint of the kinematics object.
JointMinLimits List of Real R Gets the minimum value for each joint of the kinematics object.
JointsRotational List of Boolean R Gets the joint type for each joint of the kinematics object.

A True value indicates a rotational joint.

JointValues List of Real RW Defines the joint values of the kinematics object.
Properties List of vcProperty R Gets the dynamic properties of the kinematics object.
SecondaryJointValues List of Real RW Defines the external joint values of the kinematics object.
Solutions List of n-tuple RW Defines a list of possible solutions for the kinematics object and its Target.

Generally, the format of a solution is a configuration warning followed by joint values for the motion target.

See Solution Constants for more information.

Target vcMatrix RW Defines the motion target of the kinematics object.


Name Return Type Parameters Description




Creates a new Jacobian matrix object for calculating inverse and forward kinematics solutions.

createProperty vcProperty Enumeration type, String name, [Enumeration constraints] Adds a new property of a given type and name to the kinematics object.

An optional constraints argument can be given to define constraints for the new property, which must be defined at the time of creation.

See Property Constants for more information.

getJointMoveDist Real Integer index, Real value Returns the distance a joint at a given index must move in order to reach a given value.
getJointMoveTo 2-tuple (Boolean reachable, Real amount) Integer index, Real value Indicates whether a joint at a given index can move to a given value.

Returns True and the given value if joint can reach target. Otherwise, returns False and the amount exceeding the joint's limits.

moveJointTo Boolean Integer index, Real value Drives a joint at a given index to a given value.

Returns True if joint reached target; otherwise returns False.