(Deprecated) use vcCompactLineSet
vcLineSet is a collection of line primitives and their points.
Inherits: vcGeometrySet
Name | Type | Access | Description |
Lines | List of vcLine | R | Gets a list of all lines in the set. |
Points | List of vcLinePoint | R | Gets a list of all points in the set. |
LineCount | Integer | R | Gets the amount of lines in the set. |
LineWidth | Integer | RW | Defines the width (in pixels) of lines in the set. |
Name | Return Type | Parameters | Description |
createPoint | vcLinePoint | Real x, Real y, Real z
or vcVector vector |
Creates a new point in the set at a given vector or XYZ coordinates, and then returns the point; otherwise returns None. |
createLine | vcLine | None | Creates a new line in the set, and then returns the new line. |
deleteLine | None | Integer index
or vcLine line |
Deletes a given line from the set or one at a given index. |
getLine | vcLine | Integer index | Gets a line in the set at a given index. |
update | None | None | Updates the line set, thereby recalculating the bound box of the set. |