(Deprecated) use vcCompactLineSet


vcLineSet is a collection of line primitives and their points.

Inherits: vcGeometrySet


Name Type Access Description
Lines List of vcLine R Gets a list of all lines in the set.
Points List of vcLinePoint R Gets a list of all points in the set.
LineCount Integer R Gets the amount of lines in the set.
LineWidth Integer RW Defines the width (in pixels) of lines in the set.


Name Return Type Parameters Description
createPoint vcLinePoint Real x, Real y, Real z


vcVector vector

Creates a new point in the set at a given vector or XYZ coordinates, and then returns the point; otherwise returns None.
createLine vcLine None Creates a new line in the set, and then returns the new line.
deleteLine None Integer index


vcLine line

Deletes a given line from the set or one at a given index.
getLine vcLine Integer index Gets a line in the set at a given index.
update None None Updates the line set, thereby recalculating the bound box of the set.