vcGeometrySet is the base class for any type of geometry set in a component.
vcGeometrySet is a collection of one type of geometry primitives. Therefore, each type of geometry set has its own implementation, and different types cannot belong to the same geometry set.
vcLineSet (Deprecated) use vcCompactLineSet
vcPoint (Deprecated)
vcPolygonSet (Deprecated) use vcTriangleSet
Name | Type | Access | Description |
BillBoard | Boolean | RW | Defines if geometry of set is always facing the 3D world camera.
Generally, this property is used for billboard text and is only supported for the following types: |
BoundCenter | vcVector | R | Gets a vector from the origin to the center of the container's bound box. |
BoundDiagonal | vcVector | R | Gets a half diagonal vector from the center to an upper corner of the container's bound box using positive axis directions. |
Container | vcGeometryContainer | R | Gets the geometry container of set. |
Feature | vcFeature | R | Gets the feature that the set belongs to in node feature tree. |
FixedSize | Boolean | RW | Defines if the size of set visually remains the same in the 3D world regardless of camera position.
This property is only supported for the following types: |
HasMaterialInheritance | Boolean | RW | Determines if the geometry set has material inheritance (geo set will use the inherited material or its own). |
Layer | vcLayer | RW | Defines the layer that the set belongs to in layout. |
LightAmbientTexture | Boolean | RW | Defines if the material texture of set is used to affect ambient light intensity and shininess of surfaces.
(Deprecated) |
LightAmbientVertex | Boolean | RW | Defines if vertex color/intensity is blended with light rays to render ambient lighting effect.
(Deprecated) |
Material | vcMaterial | RW | Defines the material of set.
If None, the set uses default render settings. |
Name | String | RW | Defines the name of set. |
Type | Enumeration | R | Gets the set type.
See Geometry Constants for more information. |
UseBackface | Boolean | RW | Defines if geometry of set is rendered when not facing the 3D world camera. |
VertexColor | Enumeration | RW | Defines if the set uses vertex coloring.
See Geometry Constants for more information. |
Name | Return Type | Parameters | Description |
updateBoundIncrementally | vcVector | Real x, Real y, Real z
or vcVector vector |
Increments the bound box of the set's component. |