vcFrameSet is a type of geometry set that contains a collection of frames.
Inherits: vcGeometrySet
Name | Type | Access | Description |
FrameCount | Integer | R | Gets the number of frames in set. |
Name | Return Type | Parameters | Description |
createFrame | None | vcMatrix | Creates a new frame in set. |
deleteFrame | None | Integer index | Deletes a frame at a given index from set. |
getFrame | vcMatrix | Integer index | Returns the position matrix of a frame at a given index in set. |
setFrame | None | Integer index, vcMatrix frame_matrix | Sets the position matrix of a frame at a given index in set. |
update | None | None | Updates all frames in set, thereby updating the set's bound box. |
Example. Create a ring of frames in a set
from vcScript import * import vcMatrix app = getApplication() comp = getComponent() #simple demo that clears geometry sets in root node Geometry container #you could also use a Geometry feature and its Geometry container for this demo gc = comp.UserGeometry gc.clear() fs = gc.createGeometrySet(VC_FRAMESET) # type: vcFrameSet #create full circle of frames in set degrees = 360 for i in xrange(degrees): mtx = mtx.translateAbs(1000.0, 0.0, 0.0) mtx.rotateAbsY(degrees) fs.createFrame(mtx) degrees = degrees - 1 fs.update() gc.update() app.render() |