
vcGeometryContainer is a container used to store all types of geometry sets for nodes and Geometry features.


Name Type Access Description
BoundCenter vcVector R Gets a vector from the origin to the center of the container's bound box.
BoundDiagonal vcVector R Gets a half diagonal vector from the center to an upper corner of the container's bound box using positive axis directions.
GeometrySetCount Integer R Gets the amount of geometry sets in container.
GeometrySets List of vcGeometrySet R Gets a list of geometry sets in container.


Name Return Type Parameters Description
clear None None Removes all geometry sets from container.
cloneGeometrySets None vcGeometryContainer container, [vcMatrix offset] Copies all geometry sets in the container to a given container.

An optional offset argument can be given to offset the copied geometry, thereby making it easier to distinguish the original from its copy.

In this case, geometry is shared between both containers.

createGeometrySet vcGeometrySet Enumeration type Creates a new geometry set of a given type in container.

See Geometry Constants for more information.

deleteGeometrySet None Integer index


vcGeometrySet set

Deletes a given geometry set or one at a given index from container.
getGeometrySet vcGeometrySet Integer index Returns a geometry set at a given index in container.
moveGeometrySets None vcGeometryContainer container, [vcMatrix offset] Moves all geometry sets in the container to a given container.

An optional offset argument can be given to offset the moved geometry, for example to apply a node offset.

In this case, geometry is not shared between both containers since the original container is now empty.

setModified None None Marks the geometry of container as being modified, thereby alerting the application that changes need to be saved to file.
transformContent None vcMatrix matrix Transforms all geometry sets of container by the given matrix.
update None None Updates the bound box of container.