(Deprecated) use vcTriangleSet


vcPolygonSet is a collection of n-sided polygons, which are either manually created or the result of tessellation.

Inherits: vcGeometrySet


Name Type Access Description
CreaseAngle Real RW Defines an angle (in degrees) between polygons and edges considered hard, thereby rendering uses polygon normals instead of point normals.
Edges List of vcEdge R Gets a list of all edges in the set.
Points List of vcPolygonPoint R Gets a list of all points in the set.
PolygonCount Integer R Gets the number of polygons in the set.
Polygons List of vcPolygon R Gets a list of polygons in the set.


Name Return Type Parameters Description
createPoint vcPolygonPoint vcVector vec


Real x, Real y, Real z

Adds a new point to the set using either a given vector or XYZ coordinates, and then returns the new point.
createPolygon vcPolygon None Adds a new empty polygon to the set, and then returns the new polygon.
deletePolygon None vcPolygon polygon


Integer index

Deletes a given polygon from the set or a polygon at a given index in the set.
filterDuplicatePolygons None None Traverses through set and removes all duplicate polygons, thereby reducing data count.
getPolygon vcPolygon Integer index Returns a polygon at a given index in the set.
smoothGroupProcessing None None Performs a cleanup operation for grouped polygon sets in order to render smooth surfaces.
triangulate None None Performs a cleanup operation for polygons in the set to have three sides, thereby possibly increasing data count.
update None None Updates the set, thereby recalculating all polygons in the set and its bound box.
updatePointSurrounding None vcPolygonPoint point Updates points in the set neighboring a given point.