(Deprecated) use vcTriangleSet
vcPolygonSet is a collection of n-sided polygons, which are either manually created or the result of tessellation.
Inherits: vcGeometrySet
Name | Type | Access | Description |
CreaseAngle | Real | RW | Defines an angle (in degrees) between polygons and edges considered hard, thereby rendering uses polygon normals instead of point normals. |
Edges | List of vcEdge | R | Gets a list of all edges in the set. |
Points | List of vcPolygonPoint | R | Gets a list of all points in the set. |
PolygonCount | Integer | R | Gets the number of polygons in the set. |
Polygons | List of vcPolygon | R | Gets a list of polygons in the set. |
Name | Return Type | Parameters | Description |
createPoint | vcPolygonPoint | vcVector vec
or Real x, Real y, Real z |
Adds a new point to the set using either a given vector or XYZ coordinates, and then returns the new point. |
createPolygon | vcPolygon | None | Adds a new empty polygon to the set, and then returns the new polygon. |
deletePolygon | None | vcPolygon polygon
or Integer index |
Deletes a given polygon from the set or a polygon at a given index in the set. |
filterDuplicatePolygons | None | None | Traverses through set and removes all duplicate polygons, thereby reducing data count. |
getPolygon | vcPolygon | Integer index | Returns a polygon at a given index in the set. |
smoothGroupProcessing | None | None | Performs a cleanup operation for grouped polygon sets in order to render smooth surfaces. |
triangulate | None | None | Performs a cleanup operation for polygons in the set to have three sides, thereby possibly increasing data count. |
update | None | None | Updates the set, thereby recalculating all polygons in the set and its bound box. |
updatePointSurrounding | None | vcPolygonPoint point | Updates points in the set neighboring a given point. |