(Deprecated) use vcTriangleSet


vcPolygon represents an n-sided face in the 3D world.

Inherits: vcPrimitive


Name Type Access Description
Edges List of vcEdge R Gets a list of all edges in polygon.
Normal vcVector R Gets the Normal vector of polygon.
PointCount Integer R Get the number of points in polygon.
Points List of vcPolygonPoint R Gets a list of all points in polygon.


Name Return Type Parameters Description
addPoint None vcPolygonPoint point Adds a given point to the polygon.

Note: Points can be shared by different polygons.

getNeighbors List of vcPolygon Integer point_index Returns a list of polygons sharing an edge with the polygon based on a given point_index.
getPoint vcPolygonPoint Integer index Returns a point of the polygon at a given index.
getPointNormal vcVector Integer index Returns the Normal vector of a point in the polygon at a given index.
removePoint None vcPolygonPoint point


Integer index

Removes a given point or one at a given index from the polygon.
reverse None None Inverts the face of polygon.
update None None Updates the structure of polygon, which is required when changing point count and point properties.