

vcPolygonPoint is a point/vertex used to define polygons.

Inherits: vcPrimitive, vcPoint


Name Type Access Description
Color vcVector RW Defines the color of the point by using a vector containing RGBA values.

Note: The geometry set of point and its polygon must support a VertexColor property; otherwise point will not have color.

Edges List of vcEdge R Gets a list of all edges using the point.
PolygonCount Integer R Gets the number of polygons using the point.
U Real RW Defines a U texture coordinate for point.
V Real RW Defines a V texture coordinate for point.


Name Return Type Parameters Description
getAverageNormal vcVector None Returns the Normal vector of point, which is an average of all polygons using that point.
getPolygon vcPolygon Integer index Returns a polygon using the point at a given index; otherwise returns None.