vcPositionFrame is a motion target for a robot that can be referenced by a statement.
Name | Type | Access | Description |
Name | String | RW | Defines the name of the position. |
ReferencePoint | Boolean | RW | Turns on or off the use of a reference point to define the location of the position. |
Configuration | String | RW | Defines the configuration of the robot for the position. |
Properties | List of vcProperty | R | Gets a list of properties in the position. |
Statement | vcStatement | R | Gets the statement referencing the position. |
JointValues | List of Real | R | Gets a list of all the robot joint values (internal and external) for the position. |
InternalJointValues | List of Real | R | Gets a list of internal robot joint values for the position. |
ExternalJointValues | List of Real | R | Gets a list of external robot joint values for the position. |
PositionInReference | vcMatrix | RW | Defines the position matrix in reference to its base/parent coordinate system. |
PositionInWorld | vcMatrix | RW | Defines the position matrix in reference to World coordinate system. |
Name | Return Type | Parameters | Description |
setJoints | None | List of Real values | Sets the joint values of the position using a given list of values that must be equal or smaller in length than the total robot joint count (including external joints). |
setExternalJoints | None | List of Real values | Sets the external joint values of the position. |
createProperty | vcProperty | Enumeration type, String name | Creates a new property of a given type and name in the position, and then returns the new property.
An optional constraints argument can be used to define constraints for new property, which must be defined at the time of creation. See Property Constants for more information. |
deleteProperty | None | vcProperty property | Deletes a given property in the position. |
getProperty | vcProperty | String name | Returns a property matching a given name in the position; otherwise returns None. |