
The flow group manager is used to create, access and delete the process flow groups (vcProcessFlowGroup objects) within its owner vcProcessController.


Name Type Access Description
Controller vcProcessController R Gets the process controller owner.
Groups List of vcProcessFlowGroup R The list of all registered flow groups.


Name Return Type Parameters Description
createGroup vcProcessFlowGroup String groupName Tries to create a new group with the given name. The name must be unique within the process controller.
findGroup vcProcessFlowGroup String groupName Gets a flow group with the given name.
deleteGroup None vcProcessFlowGroup group

Tries to delete the given group. Can not delete groups from different process controller.

Note: Deleting a flow group also causes deletion of any contained product types and other tied data such as process flow sequence.

deleteGroup None String groupName Tries to find and delete a group with given name.
clearGroups None - Deletes all groups.
moveProductType None vcProductType typeToMove, vcProcessFlowGroup destination Tries to move the given product type to the given target group.


Name Parameters Description

vcProcessFlowGroup group

Triggered when a new flow group has been added to this process controller.

vcProcessFlowGroup group

Triggered when a flow group is being removed from this process controller.


Example. Delete and define Flow Groups.

from vcScript import *
sim = getSimulation()
process_controller = sim.ProcessController
# Get the handle for product flow groups
flow_grp_mgr = process_controller.FlowGroupManager
flow_groups = flow_grp_mgr.Groups
# Search for a given Flow Group
# If Flow Group is found it is deleted
flow_group1 = flow_grp_mgr.findGroup('Flow Group #1')
if flow_group1:
# Define custom logic for when a new Flow Group is created
def flow_group_created_handler(flow_group):
  print flow_group.Name, 'has been created.'
flow_grp_mgr.OnGroupAdded = flow_group_created_handler