
Process flow group is a grouping of product types that share same process flow sequence and can navigate through the same transport links. Every product type (vcProductType) belongs to exactly one flow group, with the only exception being the system “Any” product type that doesn’t belong to a flow group.


Name Type Access Description
Name String RW Name of the group. Must be unique within the process controller.
FlowGroupManager vcProcessFlowGroupManager R Gets the manager this flow group belongs to.
Properties List of vcProperty R Gets the properties of this flow group. All properties might not have a vcProperty implementation.
ProductTypes List of vcProductType R The list of product types that belong to this group.
IsVisible Boolean RW Whether this group is visible in certain areas of the user interface.


Name Return Type Parameters Description
getProperty vcProperty String Name Returns a property matching a given name in the group; otherwise returns None. All properties might not have a vcProperty implementation.
clone vcProcessFlowGroup None Returns a clone of this vcProcessFlowGroup.


Name Parameters Description

vcProcessFlowGroup flowGroup,

vcProductType productType

Triggered when a product type has been added to this flow group.

vcProcessFlowGroup flowGroup,

vcProductType productType

Triggered when a product type is being removed from this flow group.


Example. List the product types of this Flow Group.

from vcScript import *
sim = getSimulation()
process_controller = sim.ProcessController
flow_grp_mgr = process_controller.FlowGroupManager
flow_group1 = flow_grp_mgr.findGroup('Flow Group #1')
# Check if the Flow Group exists
if flow_group1:
  # List the product types of this Flow Group
  print flow_group1.Name, 'has the following product types:'
  product_types = flow_group1.ProductTypes
  for p in product_types:
    print p.Name
# Here you can define custom logic for when a Product Type is removed
def product_type_deletion_handler(flow_group, product_type):
  print product_type.Name, 'removed from', flow_group.Name
if flow_group1:
  flow_group1.OnProductTypeRemoving = product_type_deletion_handler