
vcProcessPointSensor is the object type for Process Point Sensor behaviors.

Inherits: vcBehaviour


Name Type Access Description
Frame vcFeature RW Defines a Frame feature referenced as the location of sensor in 3D world.
BoolSignal vcBoolSignal RW Defines a Boolean Signal used to send a True value when processing starts and a False value when processing ends.
ProcessAt Enumeration RW Defines the trigger used to initialize processing in sensor.

See Path Constants for more information.

RuleComponent Enumeration RW Defines the processing rule of sensor.

See Process Point Constants for more information.

TriggerAt Enumeration RW Defines whether a path connected to sensor or component triggering sensor is stopped during processing.

See Process Point Constants for more information.


Name Return Type Parameters Description
processValue Real Real from_connector_index, vcComponent component, [vcBehaviour behavior] Calculates the processing time of a given component entering from an input port of a path connected to sensor, and then returns the total time from start to finish.
setValue None Real value Sets the processing time of sensor.

Generally, this method is used with OnValue event to define multiple processing times and handle issues, for example bottlenecks and simulated failures.

startFailure None None Sets the state of sensor to Failure, thereby stopping all tasks performed by sensor.

Sensor will stay in failure state until either simulation is reset or sensor calls stopFailure() method.

stopFailure None None Brings sensor out of failure state, for example to simulate a repair.


Name Parameters Description
OnValue Integer ignore, vcComponent component, vcBehaviour behavior Triggered when sensor starts processing a component.

To override default processing time, use setValue() method.


Example. Use OnValue event to manipulate sensor

from vcScript import *

def my_event(ignore, component, behaviour):
  print '-'*99
  print component.Name
  print behaviour.Name

comp = getComponent()
sensor = comp.findBehaviour('ProcessPointSensor')
sensor.OnValue = my_event