
In the image below, outlined in green is the vcProcessSequence2. There's one for each FlowGroup, and it contains a sequence of steps. Outlined In blue are two vcProcessFlowStep (out of 7). They may contain ProcessGroups (those A,B,C,D,...) and different modes of operation (First available process, All processes in any order). These modes affect how single products move through the flow (they may skip optional steps, ...).


Name Type Access Description
FlowSteps vcObservableList<vcProcessFlowStep> R List of FlowSteps
ProcessConfigurations vcObservableList<vcSequenceProcessConfiguration> R A read-only observable list of vcSequenceProcessConfiguration instances, affecting vcProcessGroup instances in this vcProcessSequence2.


Name Return Type Parameters Description
getNextProcessOptions List of vcFeedOptionFlowInfo

vcNextProcessFlowInfo next


vcNextProcessFlowInfo next, vcProduct product

Returns a list of possible FlowInfo options in priority order given the inputs.
  1. Includes ProcessGroups from next non-optional steps, starting from `next`, and all optional steps in between.
  2. Same as (1), but takes product’s history in account, to include All processes in any order steps.
createStepFrom vcProcessFlowStep vcProcessFlowStep step, Integer index Creates a copy of a FlowStep and inserts it at the given index. If the given index is less than zero or greater than the current item count, the item will be inserted at the end. The given step may belong to any vcProcessSequence2.
endBatch None None End batch update of the FlowSteps and apply delayed updates to ProcessConfigurations.
startBatch None None Start batch update of FlowSteps and delay updating ProcessConfigurations until `endBatch` is called.