(Deprecated) use vcRoutine


vcRslRoutine is a collection of statements in a robot program.


Name Type Access Description
Name String R Gets the name routine.
Program vcRslProgramExecutor R Gets the robot executor of routine and its program.
StatementCount Integer R Gets the number of statements in routine.
Statements List of vcRslStatement R Gets a list of all statements in routine.


Name Return Type Parameters Description
beginBatch None None Disables the application's GUI to speed up the creation or edits for a batch of statements in routine.
createStatement vcRslStatement Enumeration type Adds a new statement of a given type to routine.

See Motion Constants for more information.

deleteStatement Boolean Integer index Removes a statement at a given index from routine.
endBatch None None Enables the application's GUI.

In most cases, this method is called after beginBatch().

getStatement vcRslStatement Integer index Returns a statement at a given index in routine.