(Deprecated) use vcStatement


vcRslStatement is the basic implementation for statements in a robot program.


Most statements can be manipulated directly as vcRslStatement type objects, while others have their own implementations that inherit vcRslStatement.




Common Properties

The following properties are common in all RSL statements.

Name Type Access Description
GridColor vcVector RW Defines the color associated with the statement, for example when robot program is listed in a panel.

Color is defined in RGB color space by using a vector containing normalized XYZ values.

Index Integer RW Defines the location (index) of statement in routine.
Name String RW Defines the name of statement.
Properties List of vcProperty R Gets a list of all properties in statement.
Routine vcRslRoutine R Gets the routine the statement belongs to in robot program.
Type Enumeration R Gets the statement type.

See Motion Constants for more information.

Statement Specific Properties


A statement that calls a subroutine in robot program.

Name Type Access Description
RoutineName String RW Defines the subroutine to call by name.


A statement that prints a comment to Output panel.

Name Type Access Description
Comment String RW Defines the message to be printed to user.

Define Base

A statement that temporarily modifies a base frame during a simulation.

Name Type Access Description
Base String



RW Gets/Sets the base frame used by statement.

To set, give the name of a base frame listed in robot controller, vcRobotController, which is referenced by robot executor of this statement.

Node String RW Defines the parent node of Base.
Position vcMatrix RW Defines the location of Base.

If Relative is set to True, this property references Base coordinate system, thereby changing base frame relative to its current position.

Relative Boolean RW Defines if Position provides absolute or relative values for Base location.

Define Tool

A statement that temporarily modifies a tool frame during a simulation.

Name Type Access Description
Node String RW Defines the parent node of Tool.
Position vcMatrix RW Defines the location of Tool.

If Relative is set to True, this property references Tool coordinate system, thereby changing tool frame relative to its current position.

Relative Boolean RW Defines if Position provides absolute or relative values for Tool location.
Tool String



RW Gets/Sets the tool frame used by statement.

To set, give the name of a tool frame listed in robot controller, vcRobotController, which is referenced by robot executor of this statement.


A statement that executes a timed delay.

Name Type Access Description
Delay Real RW Defines the amount of time (in seconds) to delay program execution.


A deprecated statement for executing a robot grasp action. No additional properties.


A statement for halting and/or resetting a simulation.

Name Type Access Description
Reset Boolean RW Defines if a simulation is reset.

Program Sync

A statement that can synchronize two or more robots.

Name Type Access Description
SyncComponents List of vcComponent RW List of components in the sync program.
SyncMsg String RW Defines the sync message to trigger synchronization.
WaitSync Boolean RW Defines if a robot in sync program waits for all SyncComponents to send SyncMsg.

If False, robot sends SyncMsg and continues the execution of its program.


A deprecated statement for executing a robot release action. No additional properties.

remote Call

A statement that remotely calls a routine in another robot's program.

Name Type Access Description
RemoteRoutine String RW Defines the name of routine to remotely call in a robot.

The format is [component_name]::[routine_name] and the target robot should be connected to calling robot via an abstract interface.

Remote Wait

A statement that waits for a routine to be completed by another robot.

Name Type Access Description
RemoteRoutine String RW Defines the name of routine to wait for in a robot.

The format is [component_name]::[routine_name] and the target robot should be connected to calling robot via an abstract interface.

Set Binary Output

A statement that sets the value of a signal mapped to an output port of robot.

Name Type Access Description
Output Integer RW Defines the output port.
Value Boolean RW Defines the output value.

Wait Binary Output

A statement that waits for an input port of robot mapped to a signal to have a specific value.

Name Type Access Description
Input Integer RW Defines the input port.
Value Boolean RW Defines the input value.
WaitTrigger Boolean RW Defines if Value is evaluated continuously or when a signal event occurs during a simulation.


Name Return Type Parameters Description
createProperty vcProperty String type, String name, [Enumeration constraints] Adds a new property of a given type and name to statement.

An optional constraints argument can be given to define constraints for property, which must be given at the time of creation.

See Property Constants for more information.

deleteProperty None vcProperty property Removes a given property from statement.
getProperty vcProperty String name Returns the first matching property of a given name in the statement; otherwise returns None.


Example. Manipulate statements in robot routine

from vcScript import *
#Access main program via Executor
comp = getComponent()
rx = comp.findBehaviour('Executor')
mainroutine = rx.MainRoutine
#Access statements and return type and order
def exampleRsl():
  for i in mainroutine.Statements:
    print i.Name, i.Type, i.Index
#Create and delete statement via events
def OnRun():
  my_statement = mainroutine.createStatement(VC_STATEMENT_COMMENT)
  my_statement.Comment = "Example Comment"
def OnReset():
  #deletes the last statement when user hits reset button