
vcRobotController allows you control a robot and drive its joints. If you need realistic robot simulation, use vcRrsRobotController.

Inherits: vcBehaviour, vcServoController


Name Type Access Description
ApproachAxis Enumeration RW Defines how to orient the robot based on the orientation of the active tool frame.

See Approach Axis Constants for more information.

Bases List of vcBaseFrame R Gets a list of all base frames available in controller.
ConfigurationMode Enumeration RW Defines the configuration mode for joints driven by robot controller during linear motion interpolation.

0 = Fixed
No change. That is, current configuration is used and does not change.

1 = Follow frame
Configuration closest to previous joint values is used.

2 = Interpolate joint values
Configuration is determined by point-to-point interpolation of joint values.

See Motion Target Constants for more information.

FlangeOffset String RW Defines an offset from flange node origin.

Generally, this is used when flange node origin is not the exact place where to mount a tool or kinematics structure to end of robot arm.

InitialBase String RW Defines the initial base frame by name of the controller.
InitialTool String RW Defines the initial tool frame by name of the controller.
Kinematics vcBehaviour RW Defines the kinematics object used by the controller which describes the robot's kinematic structure.
LagTime Real RW If linear motion, defines default lag time.
MaxAngularAccel Real RW If linear motion, defines maximum acceleration for angular movement (degrees/s^2).
MaxAngularSpeed Real RW If linear motion, defines maximum speed for angular movement (degrees/s).
MaxCartesianAccel Real RW If linear motion, defines maximum acceleration for linear movement (mm/s^2).
MaxCartesianSpeed Real RW If linear motion, defines maximum speed for linear movement (mm/s).
OrientationInterpolationMode Enumeration RW Defines the orientation interpolation mode for linear movement.
RootOffset String RW Defines an offset from root node origin, thereby defining the start of kinematics structure.
SettleTime Real RW If linear motion, defines default settle time.
Tools List of vcBaseFrame R Gets a list of all tool frames available in controller.
TrackWorldFrameMode Enumeration RW Defines Robot World Frame (RWF) of robot when mounted on track.

Track origin is used as RWF.

RWF of robot is used as RWF.

See Track World Frame Modes for more information.

WorldTransformMatrix vcMatrix RW Defines Robot World Frame of robot.


Name Return Type Parameters Description
addBase vcBaseFrame None Adds a new base frame to controller.
addTarget None vcMotionTarget target


vcMatrix matrix, [Enumeration target_mode]

Adds a given motion target or target matrix to robot target list.

If target matrix, current settings of robot controller are used and an optional target_mode can be given to define how target relates to robot. This is similar to moveTo() method.

Generally, you use addTarget() when you are creating a batch of targets and the robot will use non-zero accuracy limits.

See Motion Target Constants for more information.

addTool vcBaseFrame None Adds a new tool frame to controller.
clearTargets None None Removes all motion targets and target matrices from robot target list.
createMotionInterpolator vcMotionInterpolator None Creates a new motion interpolator for robot.
createTarget vcMotionTarget [vcMatrix matrix] Create a new motion target using current controller settings, and then returns the new motion target.

An optional matrix argument can be given to define target matrix of target.

move None None Moves robot to all targets in robot target list.

Python execution will wait until robot has motioned to all previously added targets.

moveImmediate None vcMotionTarget target, [Enumeration target_mode] Moves robot to a given target immediately.

An optional target_mode argument can be given to define how target relates to robot.

See Motion Target Constants for more information.

moveTo None vcMotionTarget target


vcMatrix matrix, [Enumeration target_mode]

Moves robot to a given target or matrix, thereby clearing any previously added targets.

An optional target_mode argument can be given to define how target relates to robot.

See Motion Target Constants for more information.

moveRelTo None vcVector offset, [Enumeration target_mode]


Real x, Real y, Real z, [Enumeration target_mode]

Moves robot to a position relative to current robot pose using current controller settings.

An optional target_mode argument can be given to define how target relates to robot.

See Motion Target Constants for more information.

removeBase None vcBaseFrame Base Removes a given Base from controller.
removeTool None vcBaseFrame Tool Removes a given Tool from controller.


Name Parameters Description
OnPosition vcRobotController robot Triggered when robot reaches a motion target in its robot target list.