
vcMotionInterpolator is used by a robot to interpolate motion targets and joint values.


Name Type Access Description
DefaultTargetMode Enumeration RW Defines the relationship between motion targets and robot.

See Motion Target Constants for more information.

Targets List of vcMotionTarget RW Lists all motion targets in the interpolator.


Name Return Type Parameters Description
createTarget vcMotionTarget [vcMatrix target], [Enumeration motiontype], [Real speed], [Real accuracy] Adds a new motion target to the interpolator using either the robot's current posture or given arguments.

If motiontype argument is VC_MOTIONTARGET_MT_LINEAR, speed argument defines CartesianSpeed (mm/s) property of motion target.

If motiontype argument is VC_MOTIONTARGET_MT_JOINT, speed argument defines JointSpeedFactor (mm/s) property of motion target.

See vcRslMotionStatement and vcMotionTarget for more information.

getCycleTimeAtTarget Real Integer index Returns the cycle time of a motion target at a given index in interpolator's Targets property.
interpolate vcMotionTarget Real cycletime Returns an interpolated motion target based on a given cycletime.