
vcMotionTarget is a motion target for a robot, which may include joint and tool behavior as well as speed and configuration settings for orientation solutions.


Name Type Access Description
AccuracyMethod Enumeration RW Defines the zone of accuracy type to use for the target, for example distance, time or velocity.

See Motion Target Constants for more information.

AccuracyValue Real RW Defines the limit used in AccuracyMethod.
AngularSpeed Real RW Defines the rate of target rotation (degrees/s), which is only used for non-joint motions.
BaseMatrix vcMatrix RW Defines a matrix referenced by the target as robot base frame. If set, this property overrides BaseName.
BaseName String RW Defines base frame in robot controller referenced by the target.
CartesianAcceleration Real RW Defines the maximum Cartesian acceleration (units/s^2) of linear motion to target.
CartesianDeceleration Real RW Defines the maximum Cartesian deceleration (units/s^2) of linear motion to target.
CartesianSpeed Real RW Defines the maximum Cartesian speed (units/s) of linear motion to target.
ConfigCount Integer R Gets the number of available configurations in robot.
ConfigurationMode Enumeration RW Defines the robot's joint configuration during linear interpolation, which can be fixed, an attempt to maintain current configuration or one interpolated using joint values.

See Motion Target Constants for more information.

JointSpeedFactor Real RW Defines the joint speed at the target, as a factor of maximum speed determined in robot controller.
JointTurnMode Enumeration RW Defines the turn mode for joints in the target.

The default mode is for joints to turn nearest within their set limits.

See Motion Target Constants for more information.

JointValues List of Real RW Defines joints values of target if using joint interpolation.

To read and write joint values, first get a handle for this property, edit the values of that handle, and then assign that handle as the value of this property.

See Example. Edit joint values in motion target for more information.

MotionType Enumeration RW Defines the motion type of the target, which is either linear or point-to-point/joint.

See Motion Target Constants for more information.

OrientationInterpolationMode Enumeration RW Defines the orientation interpolation mode for linear movement.

See Orientation Interpolation Mode Constants for more information.

PositionerIndex Integer RW Defines current positioner used by robot to reach target.
RobotConfig Integer RW Defines robot configuration at target, which is dependent on the kinematic structure.
Target vcMatrix RW Defines position matrix of target relative to its base frame or matrix.
TargetMode Enumeration RW Defines how position matrix of target relates to robot.

See Motion Target Constants for more information.

ToolMatrix vcMatrix RW Defines a matrix referenced by the target as the robot tool frame. If set, this property overrides ToolName.
ToolName String RW Defines tool frame in robot referenced by target.
UseJoints Boolean RW Defines if JointValues property is used to define target or its Target property. That is, whether the target is defined using joint values or a position matrix that is used to calculate joint values.

If you set JointValues, this property is automaticaly set to True.

If you set Target, this property is automatically set to False.


Name Return Type Parameters Description
getConfigWarning Enumeration Integer configuration Tests a robot configuration for any potential issues associated with target.

The returned value indicates singularity (S), joint limits (J) and unreachable (U) errors using a format of SJU.

0 = 000
No errors.

1 = 001
Reachability error in robot.

2 = 010
One or more joints exceeding limits.

3 = 011
Reachability and joint limit errors.

4 = 100
Singularity detected, for example in articulated robot wrist.

5 = 101
Singularity and reachability errors.

6 = 110
Singularity and joint limit errors.

7 = 111
Singularity, joint limit and reachability errors.

See Motion Target Constants for more information.

getConfigWarnings List of Enumeration None Tests all configurations in kinematic structure for potentials errors related to target.

See getConfigWarning() method for more information on possible returned values.

getPositionerRootToPositionerFlange vcMatrix None Returns the offset from robot positioner root node to its flange node.
getRootNodeToPositionerRoot vcMatrix None Returns the offset from root node to robot positioner root node.
getRootNodeToRobotRoot vcMatrix None Returns the offset from root node to robot root node.
getRobotRootToRobotFlange vcMatrix None Returns the offset from robot root node to robot flange node.
getSimWorldToRootNode vcMatrix None Returns the offset from 3D world origin to root node.
getSimWorldToRobotTool vcMatrix None Returns the offset from 3D world origin to tool frame active in robot.
getSimWorldToRobotWorld vcMatrix None Returns the offset from 3D world origin to Robot World Frame.
getWorldToRootNode vcMatrix None Returns the offset from 3D world origin to root node. (Deprecated)
getWorldToRobotTool vcMatrix None Returns the offset from 3D world origin to tool frame active in robot. (Deprecated)


Example. Edit joint values in motion target

from vcScript import *
#this example uses a generic articulated robot from webcat
def OnRun():
  comp = getComponent()
  rc = comp.findBehaviour("Controller")
  mt = rc.createTarget()
  mt.UseJoints = True
  #one way to adjust joint values
  jv = mt.JointValues
  for i in xrange(len(jv)):
    jv[i] = 0
  mt.JointValues = jv
  #another way
  jv[2] = 90.0
  mt.JointValues = jv