vcStatisticsChart allows you to plot and graph the data of reported items in a chart.
Name | Type | Access | Description |
AllSources | List of List | R | Gets all sources of reported items, including their components.
A reported item is a vcProperty object associated with a component. For example, a reported item could be a component property or a property of a component behavior. A vcVector object is used to define the display color of reported item in chart. Each element in the list is a list that contains these elements: vcProperty property, String expression, vcComponent component, vcVector color, Real thickness |
ChartTileType | Integer | RW | Defines the location type of chart, thereby indicating whether the tile is an empty or filled with a chart.
Generally, you would use ChartTileType to parse through several charts in a dashboard to collect data from charts that report items. For example, you could ignore or skip empty tiles. |
ChartType | Enumeration | RW | Defines the chart type.
For more information, see Statistics Constants. |
DataRows | List of List | R |
Gets the data collected during a simulation from reported items. Each element in the list is a list that contains these elements: Real simulation_time, Real value1, ... Real valueN |
DataType | Enumeration | RW | Defines the data type of chart.
For more information, see Statistics Constants. |
FieldCountPerProperty | Integer | RW | Defines the field count of items reported by chart. |
LegendVisibility | Boolean | RW | Turns on/off the display of chart legend. |
Name | String | RW | Defines the title of chart. |
Position | List of Object | RW |
Defines the position chart in tab grid. The list contains these elements: String name, Integer column, Integer row, Integer column_span, Integer row_span |
RecordAccumulatedValues | Boolean | RW | Turns on/off the collection of data reported by chart. |
SamplingInterval | Real | RW | Defines how often (in seconds) the chart updates to show recorded data during a simulation.
If -1, the chart uses the sampling interval of its dashboard. |
Series | List of vcStatisticsSeries | R | Gets a list of data series used by chart to report items. |
TileType | Enumeration | RW | Same as ChartTileType.
For more information, see Statistics Constants. |
TitleVisibility | Boolean | RW | Turns on/off the display of chart title. |
Name | Return Type | Parameters | Description |
addSeries | vcStatisticsSeries | None | Adds a new data series to chart. |
clearData | None | None | Removes all data reported by chart, thereby emptying DataRows. |
clearSeries | None | None | Resets all data series in chart, thereby emptying AllSources. |
deleteSeries | None | vcStatisticsSeries data_series | Deletes a given data_series from chart. |
update | None | None | Refreshes the chart. |
Example. Add, remove and reset data series in chart
from vcScript import * app = getApplication() dashboard = app.Dashboard tab = dashboard.SelectedTab tab.clearLayout() #insert new chart in free tile for chart in tab.Charts: if chart.TileType == VC_TILETYPE_PLACEHOLDER: chart = tab.createChart(tab.Charts[0],VC_CHARTTYPE_BAR,True) #empty the chart, create new series, (optional) remove any existing series if chart != None: if chart.Series: for i in chart.Series: chart.deleteSeries(i) x = chart.addSeries() y = chart.addSeries() #instead of deleting series #you may want to reset series and clear reported items of chart chart.clearSeries() |