vcStatisticsSeries is a source of data reported in a chart.
Name | Type | Access | Description |
Colors | List of vcVector | RW | Defines the colors of series, which is displayed in chart.
For example, data collected from different components should be color-coded to differentiate their data in chart. |
Components | List of vcComponent | RW | Defines the components the series collects data from during a simulation.
In order to collect data, a listed component must have Property. |
Expression | String | RW | Defines the expression of series. |
Name | String | RW | Defines the name of series object. |
ParentChart | vcStatisticsChart | R | Gets the chart of series. |
Property | vcProperty | RW | Defines the reported item (source) of series. |
SeriesName | String | RW | Defines the name of series, which is displayed in chart legend. |
Sources | List of List | R | Gets a list of sources for series data.
This information includes the reported item (vcProperty) and its component. Each element in the list is a list that contains these elements: vcProperty property, String expression, vcComponent component, vcVector color, Real thickness |
Thickness | List of Real | RW | Defines the display thickness of series, for example the line thickness of data collected from different components. |
Example. Define source of data series
from vcScript import * import vcVector app = getApplication() dashboard = app.Dashboard tab = dashboard.SelectedTab chart = tab.Charts[0] chart.LegendVisibility = True data_series = chart.Series[0] conveyor = app.findComponent("Conveyor") data_series.Components = [conveyor] stats = conveyor.findBehaviour("Statistics") data_series.Property = stats.getProperty("PartsExited") color =,1,0) data_series.Colors = [color] |