
vcStatisticsSeries is a source of data reported in a chart.


Name Type Access Description
Colors List of vcVector RW Defines the colors of series, which is displayed in chart.

For example, data collected from different components should be color-coded to differentiate their data in chart.

Components List of vcComponent RW Defines the components the series collects data from during a simulation.

In order to collect data, a listed component must have Property.

Expression String RW Defines the expression of series.
Name String RW Defines the name of series object.
ParentChart vcStatisticsChart R Gets the chart of series.
Property vcProperty RW Defines the reported item (source) of series.
SeriesName String RW Defines the name of series, which is displayed in chart legend.
Sources List of List R Gets a list of sources for series data.

This information includes the reported item (vcProperty) and its component.

Each element in the list is a list that contains these elements: vcProperty property, String expression, vcComponent component, vcVector color, Real thickness

Thickness List of Real RW Defines the display thickness of series, for example the line thickness of data collected from different components.


Example. Define source of data series

from vcScript import *
import vcVector
app = getApplication()
dashboard = app.Dashboard
tab = dashboard.SelectedTab
chart = tab.Charts[0]
chart.LegendVisibility = True
data_series = chart.Series[0]
conveyor = app.findComponent("Conveyor")
data_series.Components = [conveyor]
stats = conveyor.findBehaviour("Statistics")
data_series.Property = stats.getProperty("PartsExited")
color =,1,0)
data_series.Colors = [color]