
Transport link is a single-directional logical connection between two transport nodes that defines navigability and transportation parameters for a specific flow group of products. Each link has to be associated with a vcTransportController that implements the link and can add its own custom properties to it.

Transport links are owned by a vcTransportSystem and thus are created and deleted through its methods.

For easier tracking of transport graph navigability changes, only the Implementer can be changed after the link has been created. To change the other properties of a transport link user needs to create a copy and delete the original instead. Any dynamically created properties can be edited at will, but adding and removing properties is usually only done by the implementing transport controller.


Name Type Access Description
Source vcTransportNode R The transport node to start moving from.
Destination vcTransportNode R The destination transport node.
Implementer vcTransportController RW

The controller that will take care of moving the product through this link.

Note that when reassigning the implementer, the transport controllers usually modify the link’s properties immediately in event handlers.

SupportedGroup vcProcessFlowGroup R Only product types belonging to this flow group can travel through this link.
Properties List of vcProperty R Gets the properties that have vcProperty implementation.


Name Return Type Parameters Description
createProperty vcProperty vcProperty property

Creates a new dynamic property to this transport link.

getProperty vcProperty String propertyName Returns a property from this transport link.
deleteProperty None vcProperty property Deletes a property from this transport link.


Example. Reset transport time to 10s for all.

# transport links using interpolation.
from vcScript import *
sim = getSimulation()
tsystem = sim.ProcessController.TransportSystem
# Get interpolating controller
icontroller = None
for controller in tsystem.Controllers:
    icontroller = controller
# Change links
for link in tsystem.Links:
  prop = link.getProperty('TransportTime')
  if link.Implementer == icontroller and prop:
    prop.Value = 10.0