
vcLayout represents simulation layout object, which may contain vcComponent and other vcLayouts.

Inherits: vcNode


Name Type Access Description
ChildLayouts List of vcLayout R Gets the direct child layouts of this layout.
ParentLayout vcLayout R Gets the parent layout of this layout, if any.
Visualization vcLayoutVisualization R Gets the layout specific visualization settings.


Name Return Type Parameters Description
Clone vcLayout vcLayout parent

Creates a clone of sub-layout and its children structure in 3D world, and then returns the new sub-layout.

Parameter is the parent sub-layout to be set to the new clone. If this parameter is empty, it will use parent of the current cloning source.

Cloning of a sub-layout is not allowed when there is a hierarchy lock in the node tree, which happens during layout loading, or while moving a node from one place to another.

MoveChildrenFrom Boolean

vcLayout source

Boolean globalpos

Moves the parameter source layout’s children to this layout, returns true if successful.

For the second parameter, if true, the method overwrites the children’s relational/in reference transform with a new transform, which leaves them to their current global position. If false, their transform is left untouched and their position changes accordingly.