
Contains layout specific settings for visualizing the layout, the bounding box, and its colors.

Provides settings for visualization of a layout object in the 3D world.


Name Type Access Description
Layout vcLayout R Gets the layout object this is a visualization for.
IsVisible Boolean RW

Gets or sets a value indicating whether the visualization should be rendered at all.

Assigning other than null forces the visibility to that state, while null allows automatic visibility changes based on e.g. selection.

This setting is not persisted across layout save and load.

MainColor vcVector RW Gets or sets the main color of the visualization geometry. Accepted values range from 0 to 255 in order of RGBA.
EdgeColor vcVector RW Gets or sets the color of the edge highlights. Accepted values range from 0 to 255 in order of RGBA.
EdgeLineWidth Real RW Gets or sets the width of the edge lines in screen coordinates.