
FlowStep is one step in FlowGroup’s sequence of steps and container for flow step properties. FlowStep may contain one or more ProcessGroups.


Name Type Access Description
Groups vcObservableList<vcProcessGroup> R List of ProcessGroups in the step.
Name String RW Name of FlowStep.
IsOptional Boolean RW Defines if the products can potentially skip this FlowStep in their flow sequence.


Enumeration RW

Defines how products go through this FlowStep:

  • AllInAnyOrder: all process groups must be visited, before moving to next step.
  • FirstMatch: only one of process groups must be visited, before moving to next step.


vcObservableList<vcFlowStepProcessConfiguration> R A read-only observable list of vcFlowStepProcessConfiguration instances, affecting vcProcessGroup instances in this vcProcessFlowStep.


Name Return Type Parameters Description
createProperty vcProperty Enumeration type, String name, [Enumeration constraints] Creates a new property to the Flow Step itself.
deleteProperty None vcProperty property Deletes a property of the Flow Step itself.
getProperty vcProperty String propertyName Returns a property of the Flow Step itself.
startBatch None None Start batch update of Groups and delay updating ProcessConfigurations until `endBatch` is called.
endBatch None None End batch updating of Groups and apply delayed updates to ProcessConfigurations.


Example: How to add a flow step and process group into a flow sequence

from vcScript import *
sim = getSimulation()
process_controller = sim.ProcessController
# Get the handle for product flow groups
flow_grp_mgr = process_controller.FlowGroupManager
flow_groups = flow_grp_mgr.Groups
flow_group1 = flow_groups[0]
print flow_groups
# Create a Process Sequence
flow_table = process_controller.FlowTable2
process_sequence = flow_table.getSequence(flow_group1)
if not process_sequence:
  process_sequence = flow_table.createSequence(flow_group1)
# Add New flow Step to the Process Sequence
flow_steps = process_sequence.FlowSteps
new_step = flow_steps.insert(-1)
# Add first process group from process manager into new flow step
process_manager = process_controller.ProcessManager
new_step_groups = new_step.Groups