FlowStep is one step in FlowGroup’s sequence of steps and container for flow step properties. FlowStep may contain one or more ProcessGroups.
Name | Type | Access | Description |
Groups | vcObservableList<vcProcessGroup> | R | List of ProcessGroups in the step. |
Name | String | RW | Name of FlowStep. |
IsOptional | Boolean | RW | Defines if the products can potentially skip this FlowStep in their flow sequence. |
ProcessMode |
Enumeration | RW |
Defines how products go through this FlowStep:
ProcessConfigurations |
vcObservableList<vcFlowStepProcessConfiguration> | R | A read-only observable list of vcFlowStepProcessConfiguration instances, affecting vcProcessGroup instances in this vcProcessFlowStep. |
Name | Return Type | Parameters | Description |
createProperty | vcProperty | Enumeration type, String name, [Enumeration constraints] | Creates a new property to the Flow Step itself. |
deleteProperty | None | vcProperty property | Deletes a property of the Flow Step itself. |
getProperty | vcProperty | String propertyName | Returns a property of the Flow Step itself. |
startBatch | None | None | Start batch update of Groups and delay updating ProcessConfigurations until `endBatch` is called. |
endBatch | None | None | End batch updating of Groups and apply delayed updates to ProcessConfigurations. |
Example: How to add a flow step and process group into a flow sequence
from vcScript import * sim = getSimulation() process_controller = sim.ProcessController # Get the handle for product flow groups flow_grp_mgr = process_controller.FlowGroupManager flow_groups = flow_grp_mgr.Groups flow_group1 = flow_groups[0] print flow_groups # Create a Process Sequence flow_table = process_controller.FlowTable2 process_sequence = flow_table.getSequence(flow_group1) if not process_sequence: process_sequence = flow_table.createSequence(flow_group1) # Add New flow Step to the Process Sequence flow_steps = process_sequence.FlowSteps new_step = flow_steps.insert(-1) # Add first process group from process manager into new flow step process_manager = process_controller.ProcessManager new_step_groups = new_step.Groups new_step_groups.insert(0,process_manager.ProcessGroups[0]) |