
Configuration of a single batch in vcProductCreatorBatchMode. A batch creates a set number of product instances from the same vcProductType one after another with interval delay in between.


Name Type Access Description


vcProductType RW

The product type to create instances of.

Limit Integer RW Number of products to create. Must be 0 or greater.
Interval Expression (real) RW

Time to wait in seconds between creating products.

Note: Pseudo-random real number generated by an expression that defines a distribution.

normal([stream], u, s)
Normal distribution for mean value u and standard deviation s with an optional stream for seeding a random value to generator.

exponential([stream], lambda)
Exponential distribution where mean value is 1/lambda and variance is 1/lambda^2 with an optional stream for seeding a random value to generator.

gamma([stream], k, theta)
Gamma distribution with shape k and scale theta with an optional stream for seeding a random value to generator.

lognormal([stream], u, s)
Log normal distribution for mean value u and standard deviation s with an optional stream for seeding a random value to generator.

triangular([stream], min, mode, max)
Triangular distribution for given min, mode and max values with an optional stream for seeding a random value to generator.

uniform([stream], a, b)
Uniform distribution in range a <= x < b with an optional stream for seeding a random value to generator.

weibull([stream], k, lambda)
Weibull distribution with shape k and scale lambda with an optional stream for seeding a random value to generator.


Name Return Type Parameters Description


vcProperty String name Returns a property matching a given name; otherwise returns None.