
Product type is a product definition that is used to create vcProduct instances.


Name Type Access Description
Name String RW Name of this product type. Must be unique within the owning process controller.
UniqueId String R Unique identifier for this product type used internally.
FlowGroup vcProcessFlowGroup R

The flow group that this product type belongs to. Use methods in vcProcessFlowGroup to associate the type to another flow group.

IsAssembly Boolean R Returns True if this product type is assembly product type.
IsSystem Boolean R

Returns True if this product type is special internal type.

ParentProduct vcProductType RW The product type this type is derived from.
OriginFrame vcMatrix RW Defines relative position of product and its component as offset from component origin to origin of product instance.
ComponentUri String RW

Simulation component type used to visualize product instances created from this product type. Setting this Uri causes the product type to immediately attempt to load and make an internal copy of the component.

Note: Special “component” Uri scheme (component:componentName) can be used to point to an existing static component in the simulation layout.

Properties List of vcProperty R

Gets the properties of this product type itself. All properties might not have a vcProperty implementation.

ComponentProperties List of vcProperty R Gets the properties that are applied to components of product instances created from this product type.
ProductProperties List of vcProperty R Gets the properties that are applied to product instances created from this product type.


Name Return Type Parameters Description
deleteProperty None vcProperty property

Deletes a property of the product type itself.

createProduct vcProduct [vcContainer container], [vcAssemblyConfiguration assemblyConfiguration] Creates and returns a new product instance of this product type. If container is given, the product component will be added to it, otherwise the product is added to the world container.
getProperty vcProperty String propertyName

Returns a property of the product type itself.

createProperty vcProperty Enumeration type, String name, [Enumeration constraints]

Creates a new property to the product type itself.

An optional constraints argument can be used to define constraints for new property, which must be defined at the time of creation.

See Property Constants for more information.
createComponentProperty vcProperty

Enumeration type, String name, [Enumeration constraints]

Creates a new component instance property to this product type.

An optional constraints argument can be used to define constraints for new property, which must be defined at the time of creation.

See Property Constants for more information.


vcProperty property

Deletes a component instance property from this product type.

getComponentProperty vcProperty

String propertyName

Returns a component instance property defined in this product type.

createProductProperty vcProperty Enumeration type, String name, [Enumeration constraints]

Creates a new product instance property to this product type.

An optional constraints argument can be used to define constraints for new property, which must be defined at the time of creation.

See Property Constants for more information.
deleteProductProperty None vcProperty property

Deletes a product instance property from this product type.

getProductProperty vcProperty

String propertyName

Returns a product instance property defined in this product type.

resetUniqueId None


Assigns a new unique id for this product type.


Example. Get the vcProductType from vcProductTypeManager or vcProcessFlowGroup

from vcScript import *
You can get the vcProductType from vcProductTypeManager or vcProcessFlowGroup
To use this snippet, load a ProductFeeder component to 3D world
ProductFeeder component have already a ptoduct type defined
You can also create new product types using vcProductTypeManager
#Access the vcProductTypeManager from the ProcessController
process_controller = getSimulation().ProcessController
product_type_manager =  process_controller.ProductTypeManager
#By defaut vcProductTypeManager have 'Any' ProductType object. To filter that we can use the IsSystem property
product_type_cylinder = [x for x in product_type_manager.ProductTypes if x.IsSystem == False][0]
#You can also find a specific ProductType
#access the vcProductType object from product manager
product_type_cylinder = product_type_manager.findProductType('VC_Cylinder')
#change the component uri assigned to product_type_cylinder
#If the component is on 3D world,eg: Cube from Products and Containers, you can assign the component to the product type like this,
product_type_cylinder.ComponentUri = "component:Cube"
#get the list of this product type property
for prop in product_type_cylinder.Properties:
  print prop.Name, prop.Value
#get the list of all ComponentProperties for this product type
if product_type_cylinder.ComponentProperties:
  for compProp in product_type_cylinder.ComponentProperties:
    print compProp.Name, compProp.Value
#get the list of all ProductProperties for this product type
if product_type_cylinder.ProductProperties:
  for prodProp in product_type_cylinder.prodProp:
    print prodProp.Name, prodProp.Value
There are 3 different collections of properties in vcProductType. ProductType Property, ProductType Product property and ProductType Component property
Note that adding properties to the vcProductType is different from adding them as Product properties or Component properties in the vcProductType
if product_type_cylinder:
  #add boolean property for product type.
  bool_prop = product_type_cylinder.getProperty('Boolean')
  if not bool_prop:
    product_type_cylinder.createProperty(VC_BOOLEAN, 'Boolean')
  #add real property for product property
  real_prop = product_type_cylinder.getProductProperty('RealProperty')
  if not real_prop:
    product_type_cylinder.createProductProperty(VC_REAL, 'RealProperty')
  #add integer property for component property
  prod_id = product_type_cylinder.getProductProperty('ProdID')
  if not prod_id:
    prod_id = product_type_cylinder.createComponentProperty (VC_INTEGER, 'ProdID')