Assembly step is one phase of the entire assembly.
Name |
Type |
Access |
Description |
Properties |
List of vcProperty |
R |
General property container. |
Name |
String |
RW |
Step name. |
ProcessParameters |
List of vcProperty |
RW |
Process parameters property container. |
Owner |
vcAssemblyProductType |
R |
The assembly product type that the step is part of. |
ChildSteps |
vcAssemblyStep |
R |
Direct children of the assembly step. |
ParentStep |
vcAssemblyStep |
R |
The parent step of the assembly step. The root step of the assembly product type has None as parent. |
RelativeFrame |
vcMatrix |
RW |
Relative position of the step with respect to its parent. |
AbsoluteFrame |
vcMatrix |
R |
Position of the step with respect to the root of assembly product type. |
Pattern |
vcAssemblyPattern |
RW |
The assembly pattern used for the assembly step. The value may be None. |
Name |
Return Type |
Parameters |
Description |
moveChildStep |
None |
vcAssemblyStep step, Integer index |
Moves child step within the vcAssemblyStep to new index. |
getProperty |
vcProperty |
String propertyName |
Returns a property of the step. |
deleteProcessParameter |
None |
vcProperty property |
Deletes a custom process parameter associated with the step. |
getProcessParameter |
vcProperty |
String propertyName |
Returns a custom process parameter associated with the step. |
createProcessParameter |
vcProperty |
Enumeration type, String name, [Enumeration constraints] |
Creates a new custom process parameter associated to the step. See Property Constraint Constants for more information. |
Note: When assembly steps are moved between different parents steps, this is seen as an OnChildStepRemoving event for the old parent step and an OnChildStepAdded event for the new parent step. When assembly steps are moved to new indexes within the same parent step, this is seen as an OnChildStepMoved event for the parent step.
Name |
Parameters |
Description |
OnChildStepAdded |
vcAssemblyStep step, Integer index |
Triggered when a step has been added to the assembly step. |
OnChildStepMoved |
vcAssemblyStep step, Integer oldIndex, Integer newIndex |
Triggered when a step has been moved to a new index within the assembly step. |
OnChildStepRemoving |
vcAssemblyStep step, Integer index |
Triggered when a step is being removed from the assembly step. |
OnPatternChanged |
vcAssemblyStep step, vcAssemblyPattern pattern |
Triggered when a pattern has changed for the assembly step. Pattern in the parameters is the new pattern. |