(Deprecated) use  vcProcessFlowTable2


The process flow table holds the sequences of processes (vcProcessSequence) that each product (vcProduct) belonging to a certain flow group (vcProcessFlowGroup) shall follow as it travels in the simulation under this process controller (vcProcessController).


Name Type Access Description
Controller vcProcessController R The controller that owns this object.
Sequences List of vcProcessSequence R All sequences in this table.


Name Return Type Parameters Description
createSequence vcProcessSequence

String groupName


 vcProcessFlowGroup group

Creates a new sequence for the given group.
deleteSequence None

String groupName


vcProcessFlowGroup group

Deletes the sequence for a given group.
getSequence vcProcessSequence

String groupName


vcProcessFlowGroup group

Returns a sequence for the given group, if found.
copySequenceFrom vcProcessSequence vcProcessFlowGroup source, vcProcessFlowGroup target Copies the sequence defined for the given source flow group and adds it to this flow table, for the target flow group. There should not already be a sequence registered for the target flow group.


Name Parameters Description
OnSequenceAdded vcProcessSequence sequence Triggered when a new sequence has been added.
OnSequenceRemoving vcProcessSequence sequence Triggered when a sequence is about to be removed.


Example. Create Process Steps to the flow group in Process Flow Editor

from vcScript import *
sim = getSimulation()
process_controller = sim.ProcessController
# Get the handle for product flow groups
flow_grp_mgr = process_controller.FlowGroupManager
flow_groups = flow_grp_mgr.Groups
flow_group1 = flow_groups[0]
# Create a Process Sequence
flow_table = process_controller.FlowTable
process_sequence = flow_table.getSequence(flow_group1)
if not process_sequence:
  process_sequence = flow_table.createSequence(flow_group1)
# Add Process Groups to the Process Sequence
process_manager = process_controller.ProcessManager
for process_group in process_manager.ProcessGroups:
  print process_group.ProcessId