(Deprecated) use  vcProcessSequence2


Defines the sequence of process steps (vcProcessGroup) that any product type (vcProductType) belonging to a particular flow group (vcProcessFlowGroup) shall follow in the Process Modeling system.


Name Type Access Description
FlowTable vcProcessFlowTable R The flow table that owns this sequence.
TargetGroup vcProcessFlowGroup R The flow group that this sequence is defined for.
ProcessGroups List of vcProcessGroup R The ordered list of processes that the products belonging to the target flow group should go through.


Name Return Type Parameters Description
addProcessGroup None vcProcessGroup processGroup Adds the given process group to this sequence.
removeProcessGroup None vcProcessGroup processGroup Removes the given process group from this sequence.
insertProcessGroup None Integer index, vcProcessGroup processGroup Inserts the given process group into the given index in this sequence.
setProcessGroup None Integer index, vcProcessGroup processGroup Sets the process group in the given index in this sequence.
getProcessGroup vcProcessGroup Integer index Returns the process group in the given index in this sequence.