
A product feed is an abstract object that informs Visual Components about a product that is ready for transport or the next process.

vcProductFeed is the owner of a feed and has full control over the feed.


Name Type Access Description
Product vcProduct R Product instance in the simulation.
NextProcessFlowOptions List of vcFeedOptionFlowInfo R List of options (in priority order) to be matched to possible needs.
NextProcessGroupId String R Name of the target process.
SourceNode vcTransportNode R Current location of the product instance.


Name Return Type Parameters Description


vcProduct product, vcTransportNode node,
[string nextProcessGroupId]


vcProduct product,
vcTransportNode node, List of vcFeedOptionFlowInfo options

  1. Creates a new vcProductFeed object and returns the new feed.
    If NextProcessGroupId is not defined, the feed can be matched with any process that has a need with the matching product and a valid transport solution, including an existing route and necessary links.
  2. Creates new product type and assigns it to the given flow group. The name must be unique.


Name Return Type Parameters Description
tryCancel Boolean None Cancels a match and removes the feed from vcProductMatcher. A match cannot be cancelled after the match has been finalized.   Returns True if the match was cancelled or the feed was not found in the product matcher.


Name Parameters Description
OnMatched vcProductNeedFeedMatch match Triggered when the feed is matched with a need.